Tutorial 8 - Roads Design

This exercise will teach you how to complete the following road design tasks:

If you are continuing on from the previous tutorial, switch off the contour display before you start.

If you haven't done so yet, read the Before You Start section before proceeding.

If you get lost or stuck while you are doing this tutorial, do one of the following:

Loading your Project

  1. Select File Project Settings.

  2. Select the Terrain checkbox and then navigate to the Examples\Tutor folder and open the "Tutor Project CD80.dt8" file.

  3. Click OK to load the file.

Define a Road Template

This is not necessarily the first step in designing a road but it is shown first here so you can use the template in your road design.

  1.  Switch to the Road Mode by selecting Applications ► Roads from the menu, or by clicking the Road icon in the Applications toolbar.

  1. Select Tools ► Template Editor in the Road menu.

  2. The Template Editor displays.

Define the Carriageway

  1. Click Carriageway under the Setup and the Carriageway Setup displays. Ensure the settings are configured as follows.

  1. The values in the Cut/Fill Testing options dictate where the ground is tested to see if the design is in Cut or Fill.  

The offsets are measured from the last compulsory point. If the Allow to Float option is checked then Civil Designer will automatically test at the position with the greatest depth difference found between the last compulsory and the Natural Ground Line.

  1. Make the above changes and click OK.

The carriageway settings (crossfalls and widths) are superseded by the values specified in the Edge Levels Spreadsheet, where you will be entering superelevation and road widening.

Kerb Settings

Kerbs are added at the end of the carriageways, directly before the Compulsory details.

  1. Click Kerb to display the Kerb Settings.

  1. Click ... on each side to select the kerbs to be used for testing this template.

  2. The Kerb Selector displays.

  1. Click Load Group and browse for the Vanstone Kerbs folder inside the Examples\Kerbs folder.

  1. Select the "BarrierKerbs.krb" file and click Open.

  1. The selected kerbs display in the Kerb Selector. Select the BK1 kerb and click Apply.

  1. Repeat this for the Right Kerb and the selected kerbs are entered into the Kerb Settings window.

  1. Click OK to continue.

  2. The kerbs are added to the edges of the carriageways, as shown below.

Compulsory Additions

You are now going to add a 2m sidewalk to each side of the template, as a compulsory addition.

  1. Ensure the Left Compulsory radio button is selected. The buttons along the top should be activated.

  1. Click Add Edge.

  2. You are prompted to indicate the left compulsory, horizontal and vertical values as below.

  1. Click Enter to add the edge.

  1. Press [Esc].

  2. You could re-enter the same data for the right compulsory additions, but it is much easier to copy the data. Right-click in the test area and select Mirror Assembly.

  1. The sidewalk is copied to the right.

  1. Click Data to check the Left and Right Compulsory entries in the Data Setup.

  1. Click OK to close the Data Setup and return to the Template Editor.

This compulsory portion was added to the left and right road edges. Using this sequence means the sidewalk does not contain pavement layers.

  1. In the next step you will replace these two sidewalks with both features containing pavement layers. First remove both compulsory portions by clicking Delete Edge.

  2. You are prompted to:

Indicate left compulsory edge or component to delete ([ESC] to cancel)

  1. Select the sidewalk in the left test area and it is highlighted.

  2. Click on it and it is deleted.

  3. Press [Esc] to end the function.

  4. Select the Right Compulsory tab and repeat the steps as above.

  5. Once that is done, select the Left Compulsory tab again.

Add Components

Components are items such as side drains, sidewalks, retaining walls or catchwater berms that are added on to the active assembly.

They are created and modified in the Component Editor.

Add Components to the Template

  1. Click on the Library tab below the Components window and the current loaded components display. Scroll down until you see the sidewalks features in the Components list:

  1. As an alternative to utilising the Add Edge option, you could use the drag and drop option from the Components Library. Click and hold on the 2 meter sidewalk option, and then drag it into the left test area. An arrow displays indicating the position where the component will be added at the end of the active assembly.

  1. Release the mouse button near the kerb and the sidewalk component is added.

  1. Select the Right Compulsory section and you will use another method to add the feature to the right-hand side. Click on the 2 metre sidewalk features and then right-click and select the Add To Template option.

  1. The sidewalk component is added to the end of the active assembly.

Components differ from edges in that they can have a thickness assigned to them, as well as layerworks. This enables you to calculate quantities of those components.

  1. Now click the Template tab so you can see the components that are included in the template.

Cut Conditions

You are going to add two conditions to each side.

The first condition will be added using the Add Condition option, and the second will be added using the Data table.

Before you start, right-click in the window and select the Automatic Ground option to display the conditions on the drawing.

Using Add Condition

  1. Select the Left Cut radio button. The Condition buttons at the top of the Template Editor become activate.

  1. Click Add Condition.

  2. You are prompted to:

  1. A condition referred to here is a height range or the depth of the cut. This allows you to set multiple cut profiles depending on the depth of cut. Configure the options as follows.

These settings specify a cut slope of 1:3 if the depth of cut is up to 1m with the toe point a minimum of 5m from the centre of the road, in effect resulting in a variable slope as long as that slope is flatter than 1:3.

  1. Click Enter.

  1. Select the Right Cut radio button and then click Add Condition.

  2. Update the condition to the same as applied on the Left Cut.

  3. Click Enter.

Using the Data Spreadsheet

You will now add another condition using the Data option.

  1. Click Data to open the Data Setup dialog.

  1. Update the Slope, Minimum Height and the Min/Max Offset as shown below for both the Left and Right Cut profiles.

This specifies that the cut slope must be 1:1.5 if the depth of cut is between 1.0 and 999m.

The final condition must always end with a Maximum Height of 999.  

  1. Click OK to save your changes.

So, to summarise, there are two cut conditions that will be applied for different depths of cut.

You can have up to 200 cut or fill incremental conditions. These conditions must be in order of increasing height range. The final condition must always end off with a Max Height value of 999.0.

You will not be adding any edges to both conditions.

Fill Conditions

  1. You could now select the Left Fill radio button, click Add Condition and fill in the conditions, before repeating this for the right-hand side.

  1. Alternatively, you could update the Fill conditions in the Data spreadsheet.

  1. You could also copy the details in the LFill page and paste them into the RFill.

  2. Here you can see that there are two fill conditions that will be applied for different depths of fill.
  1. Click OK to save your changes and update the template.

Specify a Pavement Design

  1. Click Data once again so you can set up the Pavement specifications.

  2. Click on the LLayers tab to display the layerwork left details.

Layers will be added to the template and will extend from the PLC code entered in the Left PLC column to the PLC code entered in the Right PLC column. The thickness of the layer and description can be entered into the appropriate columns.

Civil Designer provides the user with a Pavement Designer, which can be used to manage libraries of pavement designs (*.pav files). You will use the standard TRH4 pavement designs, which are distributed with the program.

  1. Right-click on the spreadsheet to display the popup menu.

  1. Select the Pavement Designer option from the popup menu to display the Pavement Designer.

  1. Click ... and open the 'TRH4 Bitumen "HM.pav" file in the Examples\Pavement Designs folder.

  1. The pavement specification displays.

  1. Now select the E3 RoadCat A 2 pavement from the Pavement drop down list.

  1. Click OK to enter this pavement design into the Data Setup.

  1. You can now extend the lower pavement layers further by editing the Left Shift and Right Shift values as follows:

  1. Click OK to return to the Template Editor. The template has been updated to show the layerworks.

RLayers is not covered here as this is for a Dual Carriageway only.


Before you continue, you can test the template to see how the conditions are applied.

  1. Right-click in the viewing window and select the Add Ground option in the popup menu.

  1. You are prompted to:

Indicate ground line points ([ESC] to Finish)

  1. Click in the top left corner and then in the bottom right corner. Then press [Esc]. The view window is updated to show how the conditions are applied. You can use the standard keys or the mouse wheel to zoom in or out.

  1. Repeat to experiment with various ground lines.

  2. Finally, click Save As and save the template as "URBAN.tem".

  3. Click Close to exit the Template Editor.

Define Template Number and Template Paths

The template you have just created must be added to the road design file.

  1. Select Tools Template Paths to display the Road Template Paths list.

  1. Select any cell in the first row of the spreadsheet and click ... to view the file browser to select the new template file. Type a template name into the Name column.

In this manner, up to 200 templates can be added to a design file.

  1. Click OK to save your changes.

This template will be referred to by this name in all the other functions that use road templates.

Select the Working Road

Before you start with a road design, you need to select the particular road with which to work.

Civil Designer allows up to 2500 roads to be associated with any terrain file. If you do not select a particular road before using the Road functions, Civil Designer defaults to using road 1 if no other roads have been selected previously, or to the last used road (be that road 1 or otherwise).

  1. Select File Select Road File.

  2. The following Road Selection list displays.

  1. You will work with RD1 - Single Carriageway in this tutorial. The default description (Road1) is, however, not suitable so let's change it. With the highlight on the first road click Control Panel to display the Road Control Panel.

Change Road Name

  1. On the General tab, change the default road name to "RD1 - Cambridge".

It is handy to retain the road number as part of the road name as this number is stored as part of the file name, and this makes it easier to associate on-disk files with particular roads.

  1. You have the option to generate the road as Cross-sections or Strings. For this tutorial you will use cross-sections.

  1. The Road Template you just created is used by default. All the settings from this template populate the relevant Crossfalls, Widths and Kerbs fields in the Edge Level Spreadsheet. Check that the Terrain Extraction Surface is set to Surface 1.

Set Superelevation Development Method

  1. Click the WITH Adverse Crown Removal button to display the Super Development options. Select the WITHOUT Adverse Crown Removal radio button as this is for roads under 100kph. The WITH Adverse Crown Removal radio button is for roads over 100kph.

  1. Click OK.

  1. Select the Subtract kerbs for all Roads checkbox to have the kerbs volume subtracted from the generated design cross-section.  If the option is not selected, the kerb volumes are included in the calculations.

Set Layer Names

  1. Select the Layers tab and rename the first two layers in the road as below.

During this tutorial you will be storing ground cross-section data to layer 1 which we have named Ground, and road cross-section data to layer 2 (now named Final Road).

  1. Click OK to return to the Road Selection and then click OK again to close the window.

  2. The name of the working road displays in the drawing title.

Input the Horizontal Alignment

This is one of the first steps in Road design, and is used to calculate the coordinates of the chainage points along the horizontal alignment, which is defined in terms of known “horizontal points of intersection (or PI’s) and circular curve radii.

The horizontal alignment can be inserted in one of three methods:

For this tutorial you will import the ASCII Data.

  1. Before you go any further, make sure the Interactive Road Expert is turned off. Select File ► Option Settings and make sure the Use Interactive Road Expert is not selected.  This feature automates the roads design which you will not utilise in this tutorial.


  1. Click OK to save these settings.

  1. Now make sure the design criteria is turned off, as you will not be utilising TRH17 or the G2 manual. Select Alignment ► Design Criteria and ensure the Use Design Criteria option is unchecked.

  1. Click OK

Theoretically you will not be utilising any of the above as this will be an urban or arterial street with a design speed less than 100kph.

The very first step is to define the horizontal alignment by entering the data manually into a spreadsheet, by ASCII data import, or graphically. In this exercise, you will input the alignment data using the Spreadsheet window.

  1. Select Alignment Horizontal Edit Alignment.

  2. The Horizontal Alignment spreadsheet displays so you can input or edit the horizontal alignment data.

  1. Right-click in the spreadsheet and select Read CSV File. Open the "Single Carriageway Tutorial_HC.csv" file in the Examples\Tutor folder.

  1. The HPI data displays in the spreadsheet.

  1. Close the spreadsheet and click Yes when the following message displays.

  1. Click Yes to recoordinate.

  1. Click OK to accept the coordination details as they are.

  1. In the Output Manager, select Screen Output and click OK.

  2. Click Yes to re-coordinate alignment.

  1. The re-coordinated alignment displays.

Review Alignment

  1. Now select Alignment Horizontal Review Alignment.

  1. Click No in the message box that asks if you want spreadsheet output.

  2. Select Screen Output in the next message box and click OK.

  1. The Output Bar displays the detail of each horizontal curve.

  1. If you cannot see the output window, select View ► Output Bar. Scroll the Output window to view the detail of each horizontal curve.

Coordinate Alignment

  1. Select Alignment Horizontal Coordinate to display the Coordination Details. Enter the chainage intervals as below.

  1. Click OK. The start and end chainages should have been filled in automatically.

  2. In the Output Manager, select Screen Output and click OK.

  3. You are asked if you want to delete the existing road. Click Yes to proceed.

  1. The calculated stake line coordinates plus the beginning and end points of each curve are displayed in the Output bar.

Scroll to view the coordinates for each chainage interval plus the beginning and end points of each curve.

  1. The Drawing window also updates to display the position of the road.

Changing the Alignment

  1. You can change the alignment very easily by selecting one of the edit, insert, delete or move HPI functions. To do this, select Alignment ► Horizontal and make your selection. Alternatively, use the shortcut keys.

You could also use the toolbar.

  1. The move function also allows you to move the BC or EC positions, which results in the radius being changed.

If you want the end chainages in the Vertical Alignment and Edge levels spreadsheet to be updated if the horizontal alignment should change at a later stage, then add a ‘*’ in front of the end PI name. E.g. “*END” instead of “END”.

  1. If you change the alignment in any way, you are required to coordinate the road again.

Extract Cross-Sections

The next step in your road design is to extract the cross-sections from the Terrain model at each chainage along the centre line of the road.

  1. Select Alignment Horizontal Cross-sections Extract. to display the Cross Section Extraction options. Configure them as below and click OK.

Civil Designer extracts and saves the ground line cross-sections into Layer 1 (named Ground) of the road design.

  1. In the Output Manager, select Screen Output and click OK. To view the cross-section offsets and elevations, scroll the Output window.

  1. During the cross-section extraction you would have seen a new window open and a red line flash down the centre line very quickly. At this stage you can view the ground line at each chainage using the Cross-Section Editor.

  2. Select Section Graphical Edit.

  3. You are prompted to:

Cross Section edit: Indicate chainage or ESC to edit start chainage

  1. Press [Esc] to show the first chainage of the project.

  1. Press [PgDn] and [PgUp] to step forwards and backwards through the alignment cross-sections.     

  1. Close the Cross Section Editor.

Vertical Alignment

You can define vertical alignment or VPIs graphically, by ASCII Data importing (importing a CSV file), or by entering the chainage and levels into the Vertical Alignment spreadsheet. In this case you will use the latter method to input the data, and the graphical facilities to view the vertical alignment and make small changes, if required.

In order to enter your vertical alignment, ground cross-sections need to have been extracted. This is to give you a ground profile to display in relationship with the vertical profile you are about to implement.

In the spreadsheet, your curve lengths and radii can be entered as ZEROs to obtain kinks in your vertical alignment.

  1. Select Alignment Vertical Edit Alignment.

  2. The Vertical Alignment Editor displays. Select the Spreadsheet tab on the left of the window.

The Vertical Alignment window can be resized by dragging the edges.

  1. The start and end chainages of the road will already have been inserted into the spreadsheet, along with levels interpolated from the ground surface. Enter the following data:


















Alternatively, right-click in the spreadsheet and select Read CSV File if you have the CSV file to import. The CSV file is placed in the Examples\Tutor folder and is called "Single Carriageway Tutorial_VC.csv".

  1. Once you have entered the data, the spreadsheet should look like this.

  1. In order to check your data, you can display up to 100 ground lines, in addition to the vertical alignment, in the Graphical View.

Move around the vertical long section plot using the panning keys exactly as in the Design Centre window.

  1. Click on the Vertical Exaggeration icon and change the scale to 10. Then click OK.

The exaggerated vertical scale allows you to see what is happening more clearly.

  1. Now click on the Ground Lines icon on the toolbar at the top of the graphical view to display the Ground Line Details. You can show up to 100 profile lines.

  2. Set the ground line detail as shown above with:

  1. Click OK to update the graphical view, which should now look like this.

Use the mouse wheel to zoom in around the cursor position. Move around the vertical long section plot using the panning keys exactly as in the drawing window.

The red line shows the vertical alignment while the other lines show the ground line at the centre line (dark green), the ground line at the road reserve 5.5m to the left of the centreline (blue), and the ground line at the road reserve 5.5m to the right of the centre line (purple).

The Information Bar at the bottom of the road window displays curve information dynamically while you move the cursor over the vertical curves.

The dark line represents our horizontal alignment and the donuts along this line represent our horizontal curves.

  1. To change a VPI, simply click on the Edit icon and then the VPI to change.

  1. The following options display.

  1. Edit values if neccessary.

  2. Similarly, you can insert, delete, or move vertical points of intersection using the icons from the toolbar at the top of the Vertical Alignment Editor. Alternatively, you could right-click on the screen and choose the desired function from the pop up menu.

Note how the spreadsheet is continuously updated.

  1. When you are happy with the grade line, simply close the road window. You are asked to confirm the saving of the road data. Click Yes.

  1. If you have made changes you are prompted to regenerate. Click Yes to proceed.

  1. Click OK to accept the chainage range details.

  1. In the Output Manager, select the Screen Output and click OK. Close the Output window.

Review the Vertical Alignment

  1. You can review the vertical alignment data at any time by selecting Alignment ► Vertical ► Review Alignment. You can opt to send the vertical alignment information to the Output Window, printer or file by selecting the relevant Output Manager options.

  2. Select the default settings in the Output Manager and click OK.

  1. Close the Output window.

Generate Vertical Elevation Levels

  1. Now generate the levels along the centre line by selecting Alignment ► Vertical ► Generate Levels.

  2. You are prompted to:

Generate vertical levels.

  1. The Chainage Range Details display.

  1. Click OK.

  2. Select the default settings in the Output Manager and click OK.

  1. The levels display in the Output window. Note that all the high and low points on the alignment are flagged.

Calculate the Road Levels

Now that you have defined a road template, you must calculate the road edge levels along the vertical alignment using the template defined at the beginning of this tutorial.

You will also add superelevation and road width controls here.

There are two methods of defining the superelevation details.

This example is an urban street so you will use the former option.

  1. Select Alignment Edge Levels Edit Super.

  2. If you have not previously opened up any of the superelevation related settings, the Super Development options display. You are asked to define the super-elevation development method.

Select the second option as shown above, and then click OK.

You can always change the development method at a later stage by selecting Alignment Edge levels Development Methods.

  1. The Edge Control spreadsheet displays. Enter the super elevation details in the various tabs as illustrated below.

The Edge Control sets the road widths regardless of what you had set up in your Template Editor. In other words, this overrides whatever widths were specified in the template.

You can either type in the kerbs to be used, or you can right-click, select Kerb Selector, and then select a kerb from the Kerb Selector options.

  1. Select all six cells in the Kerbs Left spreadsheet, right-click and select Copy. Now change to the Kerbs Right tab, select the same six cells, right-click and select Paste.

These Edge Control settings specify that the road:

  1. Close the Edge Control and save the settings. Save the changes if any have been made. Click Yes.

  1. Click Yes to generate the levels and then click OK to confirm the Edge Level Range Details.

  2. Accept the default output settings and click OK.

Generate Road Edge Levels

  1. Calculate the road edge levels by selecting Alignment Edge Levels Generate Levels.

  2. The Edge Level Range Details display.

The depth below the vertical alignment is specified as 0.0 as we are working on the final road surface.

The destination surface is Final Road (layer 2), as you have already stored the ground line data in Ground (layer 1).

Select the Subtract kerbs checkbox to exclude the kerbs from our quantities at a later stage.

  1. Click OK to generate the edge levels.

  2. Accept the Output Manager settings and click OK to view the results in the Output window.

Apply the Template

Once the ground and final road levels are defined, you can apply the template and calculate the cross-sectional areas.

  1. Select Area/Volume Apply Template.

  2. Input the chainage range and the base and batter layers, as illustrated. Note that you can output the areas directly into an ASCII file by selecting the Spreadsheet output checkbox. Select the Generate cross sections for template layerworks checkbox. This causes the program to generate a cross-section layer underneath each layerwork, as specified in the template. These layers can then be used to calculate volumes.

  1. Click Solidify Settings to specify how and where these layers should be generated.

  1. Click OK to return to the Chainage Range, and then click OK to proceed.

  2. Accept the default output settings and click OK.

  3. As the cross-section areas are calculated, they display in the Road window.

  1. View the calculated results in the Output window. The section areas show first.

Then the additional layerwork ordinates.

  1. View the final cross-sections in the Cross-Section Editor by selecting Section Graphical Edit. Click on the drawing and then use the [Page Up] and [Page Down] keys to scroll up and down the cross-sections.

  2. Click the Section Lines icon to open the Section Lines dialog. Select the Template layerworks and Kerbs checkboxes.

Also note that three new layers have been created with the same names as the template layerworks.

  1. Click OK to update the display in the Cross Section Editor. You will see that both the kerbs and template layerworks are illustrated on the cross-sections.

Display Settings

At this stage you have completed the initial design of your road, and it is time to set up the display settings so that the plan view of the road suits your requirements.

  1. Open the Display Settings by selecting Settings ► Display Settings from the menu; or by clicking the Display Settings icon in the Display toolbar to activate the roads display.
  1. The Display Settings are activated, and open on the Roads page. Configure the settings as below.

  1. Select the Plan Layout page and configure the settings as below.

  1. Click OK to update the display.

  2. Press [Z+W] and zoom into a portion of the road, as shown below.

You can see that your road plan plotted on the ground model.

Calculate the Volumes

At this point you can calculate cut and fill volumes for your road.

  1. Select Area/Volume Masshaul Volume.

  2. Specify the volume calculation details, as shown below:

Note the topsoil depth, compaction or bulking factor and the batter layer values.

You can also output the quantities to an ASCII file by selecting the Spreadsheet output checkbox.

  1. Click Calculate to calculate the volumes. Accept the output default settings and click OK. To view the section cut and fill volumes with masshaul, scroll through in the output window.

  1. The Volume Calculation Details display again with new start and end chainage values. However, this time you just click Results to Output and accept the output defaults.

  1. A summary of the cut and fill volumes display in the Output window.

Note that these quantities are the volumes between the natural ground and the finished road surface.

  1. To calculate the quantities between the natural ground and the bottom of the sub-base layer, select Area/Volume Masshaul Volume again. This time, specify the Cross section layer to be "150 G5".

  2. Continue as described above.

Calculating Layerwork Volumes

You can calculate the cut and fill volumes for each pavement layer, as specified in the road template.

  1. Select Area/Volume ► Layerwork Volumes.

  2. The Layerworks volume options display. Specify the base and batter layers as shown below, and then click OK to calculate the cut and fill volume for each layer.


  1. Accept the Output Manager settings and click OK to view the output in the Output window.

This is followed by a summary.

Create a Cross-Section Drawing

This function generates a cross-section drawing with cross-sections extracted along the chainage intervals.  

The cross-section can show the number of lanes, their widths and cross fall, as well as the presence or absence of medians, shoulders, curbs, sidewalks, side drains and other roadway components or features.

  1. Select Plot Generate to start the Plot Expert.

  2. Click ... and browse for the Cross Section.sht sheet from the Knowledge Base Software\SheetFiles sub-directory. Then specify a sheet size of A0 and make sure the Create Layouts and dynamically update plots when the data changes radio button is selected.

  1. Click Next to continue.

  2. Specify the plotting details in the Cross-Section Setup as follows.

You can plot cross-sections consisting of up to 20 lines drawn from the various layers in the road file.

For the purposes of this tutorial you are only interested in the Ground and Final Road layers.

  1. Click Finish.

  2. In the Custom Strings for Plan and Global Titles dialog, enter the text as below and click OK.

This is set up as part of your sheetfile.

  1. The drawing is generated into its own CAD window so you can now pan around, magnify, demagnify and use the drawing functions to add any embellishments you wish.

  1. A zoomed in view looks like this:

Create a Long Section Drawing

Typically you would generate the long section from the cross-section data.

  1. Once again, select Plot Generate.

  2. This time use the "Single Carriageway Longsection.sht" sheet from the Knowledge Base Software\SheetFiles sub-directory. Select a sheet size of A0 and make sure the Create Layouts and dynamically update plots when the data changes radio button is selected.

  1. Click Next to continue. The Road Long Section Setup options display. Configure as below.

You can plot long sections consisting of up to 20 lines drawn from the various layers in the road file.

You can also specify what data (Chainage, Offset or Elevation) should be extracted from each cross-section.

In your case you are plotting:

In each case you are extracting the elevation from the cross-section.

Point Location Codes

  1. Where the left and right edges of the road are concerned, you have chosen to define the position in the cross-section by Point Location Code (PLC), rather than by a physical offset from the centre line.

You may display the list of available PLC’s by selecting PLC from the list in the Type column.


Once the Type column has been set to PLC, click on the Offset field and then select the required PLC from the list.

This allows you to cope with roads that have had carriageway widening applied, without having to worry about the exact measurement of the offset at any particular chainage.

  1. Click Next and the long section data displays.

  1. Click Finish and a drawing similar to the following is generated.

  1. Once again, you can zoom into the layout.

Create a Site Plan

As the last step in this tutorial, you will create a site plan that includes the road and terrace detail.

You therefore need to set up the display to show exactly what we want to see in the site plan.

Before you start, make sure the Drawing tab is selected.

  1. Click on the Display Settings icon or select Settings Display Settings to open the Display Settings.

  2. The Roads page displays. Select the Display road plan checkbox, and ensure that Yes displays in the Vis. column next to RD1 - Cambridge. If it isn't displaying, right-click on the cell to toggle its value.

  1. You also need to set up the display itself. Select the Plan Layout page and configure settings as follows.

  1. Open the Terrain Settings page and make sure that the Draft Text option is not checked. Also select to display contours in order to make your site plan more visually exciting.

  1. Click OK to update the display.

  2. Now select Plot Generate. Navigate to the Knowledge Base Software\SheetFiles folder and specify the "Plan.sht" file as the sheet file. Also specify an A0 sheet size.

  1. Click Next to display the Plan Setup.

  2. As you have already defined the plan position in Tutorial 6, simply set the sheet size to A0 and the scale to 1000 as shown below.

  1. Click Next to display the Plan Lists options. At this stage you are not going to display any list on your plan so leave all the options unchecked.

  1. Enter the text "1001/2016" in the Text field and click OK.

  1. Click Finish to generate a layout with the plan.

Saving Your Project

If you have generated a new plot close the drawing window and then save the project by selecting File Save Project.

This project is used in all the following tutorials, so it is important that you retain the current information for the next tutorial.

You have now completed Tutorial 8.

You can either: