You can right-click on the row header to Insert an additional line into the display list.




Road chainage labels


Enter the interval between successive chainage indicators.

Chainage Label Interval

Enter the interval between successive chainage labels

Decimal places

Enter the number of decimals to be displayed in the chainage labels.

Offset for start of indicator

Enter the offset from the centreline at which the indicator line should start drawing. Offsets to the left of the centreline should be entered as a negative value.

Offset for end of indicator

Enter the offset from the centreline at which the indicator line should stop drawing. Offsets to the left of the centreline should be entered as a negative value.

Label Skew Sections

Select this checkbox to label all the skew sections with the change label and skew angle. If this checkbox is selected, skew sections will always be labelled regardless of the Chainage Interval.

Box out text

Select this checkbox to box out the label text.

Labels parallel to road

Select this checkbox to have the labels placed parallel to the centreline, instead of at right-angles.

Label BCC and ECC

Select this checkbox to have the beginning and ending of curves labelled, in addition to the regular chainages.

Chainages for BC and EC

Select this checkbox to display the chainages for the BCC, ECC BTC and ETC points.

Chainage km separator

Enter the kilometre separator. If you enter "km" chainage 1250 will be written as "1km 250" on the road plan.

Label pen Button

Click this button to select the colour in which to display the labels.

Size (mm)

Enter the size of the labels in mm.

Label offset

Enter the offset from the centreline where the labels should be plotted.

Label position

Enter the position of the chainage label relative to the chainage coordinate on the centreline. This option can be set to Above, Below, Left or Right.

Cross-Section Design

Data Table

Plot column

Select whether the particular line should be plotted or not. Enter either Yes or No in the cell, or right-click the cell to toggle the current setting.

Pen column

Enter a pen number or right-click the cell to display the colour options in order to specify a pen with which to plot the line.

LT column

Enter the number of the line type in which to display the line.

LWght column

Specify the line width for this line.

Smth column

Select whether the line should be smoothed or not. Enter either Yes or No in the cell, or right-click the cell to toggle the current setting.

Offset column

Enter either the offset or ID or select the point location code (PLC) of the cross-section point that should be used for plotting this line.

Pos column

Specify whether the entered value in the Offset column is a point location code, point ID or an offset. Right-click the cell to alter the current setting.

Layer column

Right-click the cell and select the layer from which the cross-section data should be extracted.

Banks column

Change this to Yes to display bank lines from this line to the previous line working towards the centreline of the road. This allows you to display multiple sets of bank lines.

Strings Design

 Data Table

Plot column

Select whether the particular line should be plotted or not. Enter either Yes or No in the cell,or right-click the cell to toggle the current setting.

Pen column

Enter a pen number, or right-click the cell to display the colour dialog so you can specify a pen with which to plot the line.

LT column

Enter the number of the linetype in which to display the line.

LWght column

Specify the line width for this line.

Smth column

Select whether the line should be smoothed or not. Enter either Yes or No in the cell, or right-click the cell to toggle the current setting.

Banks column

Change this to Yes to display bank lines from this line to the previous line working towards the centreline of the road. This allows you to display multiple sets of bank lines.

String Name column

Select the string name that should be displayed.

  • CENTRE LINE - Road Centre line.

  • ROAD_EDGE - Road edges or edge of carriageway (PLC 100 and -100).

  • SHOULDER_BP - Last compulsory point.

  • SHOULDER_Krb and MEDIAN_Krb - The back of kerb strings on the shoulder and median, respectively.

  • SHOULDER_Krb# - These strings define the other kerb points between the road edge and back of kerb string.

  • MEDIAN_Krb# - These strings define the other kerb points between the median edge and back of kerb string.

  • COMP_# - The other compulsory points from the back of kerb string to the SHOULDER_BP string.

  • BANK - The top of bank point (PLC 98).

  • BANK_# - These strings define the other cut/fill points created by the templates (drains or berms).

  • TOE - The toe string.

Offset column

Specify the left (-) or right (+) offset from the specified string in the String Name column.

Change all roads to these settings

Click to copy the visible settings to all the existing roads.

Display chainage labels in Render View

Select this checkbox if you want to draw your chainage labels in Render View (defaults to OFF). This option only impacts the way you draw the roads in Render View.