Specify the chainage range to apply the template.




Start chainage

Enter the first chainage of the range of chainages over which this function should be applied.

Stop chainage

Enter the last chainage of the range of chainages over which this function should be applied.

Base layer

Select the layer to be treated as a base (ground) layer for the purposes of this function.

Batter layer

Select the layer to be treated as a batter (design) layer for the purposes of this function.

Spreadsheet output

Select this checkbox to have the results of this function written out in comma-delimited format suitable for importing into a spreadsheet.

Preview Time (ms)

Type in a delay to display the generated section. A value of 0 will generate the sections as fast as possible with minimal delay.

Generate cross sections for template layerworks

Select this checkbox to automatically generate cross-sections underneath template defined layerworks. This has the same effect as running Solidify layerworks after the template has been applied.

Solidify Settings

Click to display the Solidify Layerworks options. These settings will be used when generating cross-sections underneath the layerworks. This button is only active when the Generate cross sections for template layerworks checkbox is selected.

See Also Apply Template, Set Batters, Dump Area, Dam Area, Automatic Optimise, Recalculate, Recalculate Areas, Road Footprint Area, Use Index, Connect Extremities