Point Location Code (PLC)



The point location code (PLC) identifies a point on the cross-section by it's sequence from the centreline. PL's range from 1-99, with negative numbers referring to points left of the centreline. Numbers less than 50 count out from the centreline, with 0 being the centreline. Numbers less than 100 are subtracted from 100, and then counted in from the cross-section extremity.

In other words, the PL's -1 and 1 refer to the first points left and right of the centreline respectively, while the PLCs -99 and 99 refer to the last points left and right of the centreline (in other words the first points in from the extremities) respectively.

There are seven special PLCs, which do not follow this algorithm. These are the PLCs 100-106.





Refers generally to the road edge point. This is the outer edge of the road surface in both single and dual carriageway roads.

These points  display as -RoadEdge and +RoadEdge in PLC dropdown list, for the left and right edge road points respectively.


Refers generally to the median break point. This is the inner edge of the road surface and is only applicable to dual carriageway roads (these have a median definition).

These points display as -MedBP and +MedBP in PLC dropdown lists, for the left and right median break points respectively.


Refers to the centre of the carriageways for a dual carriageway road. A negative value refers to the left of the point, and a positive value refers to the right of the point.


Refers to the back of kerb at the shoulder of the road, if kerbs have been added using the Edge levels function. A negative value refers to the left side of the point, and a positive value refers to the right of the point.

These points display as -BackKRB Sldr and +BackKRB Sldr in PLC dropdown lists, for the left and right shoulders respectively.


Refers to the back of kerb at the median of the road, if kerbs have been added using the Edge Levels function. A negative value refers to the left of the point, and a positive value refers to the right of the point.

These points display as -BackKRB Med and +BackKRB Med in PLC dropdown lists, for the left and right medians respectively.


Specific to strings roads. Code given to add-ons, such as a traffic island from an Intersection Design, or a user defined add-on string.


Refers generally to the shoulder break point, i.e. the start of the road cut/fill batters.

These points display as -ShldrBP and +ShldrBP in PLC dropdown lists, for the left and right shoulder break points respectively.