Carriageway Setup

These settings are used for preview purposes only. The actual offsets are set using the Edge Levels.

Single Carriageway




Template Type

Specify if this is a single, dual or dual crowned carriageway template.

Carriageway Width

Enter the width of the carriageways.

Crossfalls (%)

Enter the crossfalls of the left and right carriageways.

Cut/Fill Testing

Allow to Float

Select this checkbox to allow the test position to float between the last compulsory point and the Test Offset. The greatest height difference, between the two offsets described above, will be used.


Enter the offset from the last compulsory addition, or from the road edge if no compulsory exists, at which the cut/fill state should be checked. The result of this test determines whether the cut or fill template details should be applied.

Dual Carriageway




Template Type

Specify if this is a single, dual or dual crowned carriageway template.

Left Pivot-Edge

Enter the distance from the left pivot point to the left road edge (A).  This offset is applied from the Pivot towards the outside of the section. In conjunction with the Pivot-MBP setting this determines the carriageway width.

Left Pivot-MBP

Enter the distance from the left pivot point to the left median break point (B).  This offset is applied from the Pivot towards the centre of the section. In conjunction with the Pivot-Edge setting this determines the carriageway width.

Right Pivot-MBP

Enter the distance from the right pivot point to the right median break point (C).  This offset is applied from the Pivot towards the centre of the section. In conjunction with the Pivot-Edge setting this determines the carriageway width.

Right Pivot-Edge

Enter the distance from the right pivot point to the right road edge (D).  This offset is applied from the Pivot towards the outside of the section. In conjunction with the Pivot-MBP setting this determines the carriageway width.

Left CL-Pivot

Enter the distance from the centre line to the left pivot point (E)

Right CL-Pivot

Enter the distance from the centre line to the right pivot point (F)

Left Crossfall (%)

Enter the crossfall of the left carriageway as a percentage.

Right Crossfall (%)

Enter the crossfall of the right carriageway as a percentage.

Cut/Fill Testing Offset

Allow to Float

Select this checkbox to allow the test position to float between the last compulsory point and the Test Offset. The greatest height difference, between the two offsets described above, will be used.


Enter the offset from the last compulsory addition, or from the road edge if no compulsory exists, at which the cut/fill state should be checked. The result of this test determines whether the cut or fill template details should be applied.

Dual Crowned Carriageway




Template Type

Specify if this is a single, dual or dual crowned carriageway template. When Dual crowned carriageway is selected the road carriageways will be crowned.

Left Pivot-Edge

Enter the distance from the left pivot point to the left road edge (A). This offset is applied from the Pivot towards the outside of the section. In conjunction with the Pivot-MBP setting this determines the carriageway width.

Left Pivot-MBP

Enter the distance from the left pivot point to the left median break point (B). This offset is applied from the Pivot towards the centre of the section. In conjunction with the Pivot-Edge setting this determines the carriageway width.

This cannot be a negative value i.e. the pivot point must lie within the carriageway.

Right Pivot-MBP

Enter the distance from the right pivot point to the right median break point (C). This offset is applied from the Pivot towards the centre of the section. In conjunction with the Pivot-Edge setting this determines the carriageway width.

This cannot be a negative value i.e. the pivot point must lie within the carriageway.

Right Pivot-Edge

Enter the distance from the right pivot point to the right road edge (D). This offset is applied from the Pivot towards the outside of the section. In conjunction with the Pivot-MBP setting this determines the carriageway width.

Left CL-Pivot

Enter the distance from the centre line to the left pivot point (E)

Right CL-Pivot

Enter the distance from the centre line to the right pivot point (F)

Left Crossfall (%)

Enter the crossfall of the left carriageway as a percentage.

Right Crossfall (%)

Enter the crossfall of the right carriageway as a percentage.

Left Crossfall (Median side)

Read only. This value is equal to the Right Crossfall value.

Right Crossfall (Median Side)

Read only. This value is equal to the Left Crossfall value.

Cut/Fill Testing Offset

Allow to Float

Select this checkbox to allow the test position to float between the last compulsory point and the Test Offset. The greatest height difference, between the two offsets described above, will be used.


Enter the offset from the last compulsory addition, or from the road edge if no compulsory exists, at which the cut/fill state should be checked. The result of this test determines whether the cut or fill template details should be applied.

Allow to Float

This option determines where the cut/fill test is done. If the option is active, the cut/fill test is done within the range from the centre line to the specified test offset. If it is not active, the test is simply done at the specified offset.

Cut and Fill Offset

The cut/fill testing distance dictates where the ground will be tested to see if the design is in cut or fill. In other words, if '4' is entered, a test will take place when calculating the batters to see whether the ground 4 metres beyond the last compulsory addition is in cut or fill. Depending on the result, the appropriate cut or fill condition will be applied. If a '0' is entered the test will take place at the last compulsory point.