Specify the road coordination parameters.




Start chainage

Enter the start chainage of the range of chainages over which this function should be applied.

Stop chainage

Enter the end chainage of the range of chainages over which this function should be applied.

Offset - Left and Right

This option is only available for the Offset Coords function.

Enter the offset left and right of the centreline for additional calculated coordinates.

Placing search radius

This option is only available for the Placing Data function.

Enter the search radius around the current base point for chainage points. Base points are BCC's, ECC's and chainage points with an interval of the search radius between them.

Chainage Intervals

Straights and Curves

Enter the interval between chainages generated along a straight, and around a curve, respectively.

Round to chainage interval

Select this option to ensure that generated chainages are multiples of the straight chainage interval, even if the start chainage is not a full chainage. For example, if the start chainage is 12.000 and the interval is 10.000, chainages 12.000, 20.000, 30.000, etc. will be generated. However, if rounding is not selected, chainages 12.000, 22.000, 32.000, etc. would be generated.

Chainages from index

Select this option if you want to calculate the coordinates of the chainages already in the road file and do not want to generate new chainages. This option is only available if the road file has been saved previously and should be used after inserting chainages into the road file.

Switch on BC and EC chainages

Select this option to automatically switch on chainages at BCC, BTC, ECC and ETC points during the coordination process. If this option is selected, you will be able to extract cross-sections, generate vertical and edge levels and apply templates to these chainages.

Spreadsheet output

Select this option to have the results of this function written to a file in comma-delimited format, which is suitable for import into spreadsheets.

OK button

Click to accept the current entries in the dialog.

Cancel button

Click to cancel the function.

See Also Coordinate, Road Rehabilitation