Solidify Layerworks

Generate cross-sections from template layerworks definition.



Shortcut Key






This function allows you to create physical cross-sections from the layerworks definitions contained in template files.

When a road layer cross-section is created using Apply Template, the relevant template number is stored along with the cross-section data. If the template has defined layerworks, then these can be turned into physical cross-sections by deducting each of the defined layerwork sections from its parent cross-section. These new cross-sections then allow volumes between themselves and any other layers to be calculated.

In order to calculate volumes using the newly created cross-sections, you must firstly use Recalculate Areas specifying the two layers between which volumes are calculated, and then use Masshaul Volume to determine the volumes.


  1. The Solidify Layerworks options display.

  1. Fill in the relevant data and click OK to continue.


This option deducts the layerworks as shown below.

Last Layerwork

The last layer extends vertically to intersect the final design, and includes the outer points of the final design layer.


Intersect with Batter Left

Instead of extending vertically, the last layer extends on grade to intersect with the final design on the left only.

Intersect with Batter Left and Right

Instead of extending vertically, the last layer extends on grade to intersect with the final design on both sides.

Last Layerwork Stepped

The last layer includes the points on the other layers, as well as the final design.

Intersect with Batter Left and Right

Instead of extending vertically, the last layer extends on grade to intersect with the final design on both sides.

All Layerworks

All the layerworks are extended vertically, to intersect with the final design and include points from the final design layer.

Intersect with Batter Left and Right

Instead of extending vertically, all the layerworks extend on grade to intersect with the final design on both sides.