Apply Template

Apply a template to the road shoulders.



Shortcut Key






This routine is used to apply road cross section details, beyond the limits of the carriageways, by means of a template. The template would have been created in Template Editor under the Tools menu. Templates will automatically be applied at the specified skew angle for skew sections.

The routine presupposes that the design layer contains information up to the outer edge of the left and right carriageways, in other words the entire centre section of the road. Therefore, before this routine is run, you have to generate edge levels.

In the case of a rerun, the existing section data is first searched for the centre portion of the road (between the outer limits of the carriageways). This centre portion is retained and the outer parts are destroyed before new details from the specified template are applied. For this reason, if there are skew sections in the road, you must generate edge levels before re-applying the template.

The template name must be preset. The template name is specified when Generate Edge Levels is used. To check the template name against its path or to specify the template name and path, use the Template Paths facility under Tools .

After the run, the outer batter slopes will be stored in the index and the Area Indicator will be set to '1' (See Road INDEX).

To cater for specialist volume calculations, you  may choose to direct the output to a spreadsheet. There will be a prompt for a file name and the data will be stored in this file in ASCII format.


  1. The Chainage Range options display.

  1. Fill in the relevant data and click OK to continue.

  2. If you have changed any of the road cross sections using the Cross Section Editor or the Edge Level spreadsheet, the following message displays.

If you select Yes, all changes made to the cross-sections using the Cross Section Editor or the Edge Level spreadsheet are overwritten. If you select No,] the template is applied to all cross-sections that have not been manually edited.

  1. The results of the calculations display in the Output bar.

  1. If you selected the Spreadsheet output checkbox, the save window displays so you can select a file to write to. The drive and path automatically default to the last used drive and directory for this type of file.