Specify the settings to create the layerworks as separate road layers.




Start chainage

Enter the first chainage in the range of chainages to process.

Stop chainage

Enter the last chainage in the range of chainages to process.

Base layer

Select the natural ground layer

Batter layer

Select the layer that was generated using a template.

Initial destination layer

Select the first layer on which to create generated cross-sections. This layer will be used for the first layerwork definition. Subsequent layers will be used for subsequent layerwork definitions. For example, if you specify Layer 3 as the initial layer and there are three layers in the layerworks definition, then layers 3, 4, and 5 will contain the generated cross-sections. These layers will be renamed to the Layerwork descriptor value specified in the Template Editor, if they were not renamed manually.

Include outside points from Batter layer for:

This option is used to include points in the batter layer cross-section that lie outside the layerworks in the generated layer. See the illustration below.




Only Last Layerwork:


Only Last Layerwork Stepped:


All Layerworks:

Step in Fill Only

This option is only available if the Only last layerwork detail - stepped option is selected. If this option is selected, the layerworks will only be stepped when in fill. In cut situations a box cut, with a width equal to the first layerwork in cut, will be created.

Try to intersect with batters: Left and/or right

This option is not available if the None option is selected. If one of these options is selected you must specify a ground layer. Select these options to have the routine try to intercept with the batter slopes on the respective sides.

This routine will overwrite data in existing layers without warning. You will be warned if the number of the initial destination layer is lower than that of the batter layer as the possibility of overwriting the batter layer is then very real. Other than that, no warning is given.

See Also Solidify Layerworks