Template Editor

Create new road templates, or edit existing ones.



Shortcut Key






This function displays the Road Template Editor, which allows you to apply the design or editing of templates to roads. Both single- and dual carriageway templates can be designed.

See the Road Templates section for more details on templates.


  1. The Template Editor displays.

  1. Input the required data and click Close to exit.

  2. To save the template, click Save As or Close. The following massage displays.

  1. Click Yes to specify a template name and save the data.

Create a New Single Carriageway Template

  1. Open the Template Editor.

  1. The first step is to specify if this is a single or dual carriageway template. Click Carriageway to display the Carriageway Setup.

  1. Change the carriageway widths to 3.7m left and right, and change the right crossfall to +2.0% for a typical urban street.

  1. Click Close to return to the Template Editor.

  1. The template illustration is updated to show the Carriageway settings.

  1. Now add kerbs to the road - a barrier kerb on the left edge, and a mountable kerb on the right edge. Click Kerbs to display the Kerb Settings.

  1. Click the left ... to display the Kerb Selector.

  1. Click Load Group to load one or more kerb groups.

  1. In this instance you need to load the Barrier Kerbs. Select the item and click Open.

  1. The Kerb Selector is updated with the Barrier Kerb range.

  1. Now select the Figure 6 kerb and click Apply.

  1. The Kerb Settings are updated to show your choice of kerb for the left edge.

  1. Now click on the right ... and select a Figure 8a Mountable kerb for the right edge in a similar manner. You need to load the Mountable Kerbs into the Kerb Selector.

  1. Click OK to return to the Template Editor.

Notice how the display area is updated to show the left and right kerbs.

  1. Now add a 1.5m walkway to the left edge. This will be a compulsory addition, so select the Left Compulsory radio button in the Active Left Assembly group.

  1. Thereafter, click on the Component Library tab and select the 1.5m 2% Cut feature in the Footways component group. Right-click on this component and select the Add To Template option.

  1. The component is added to the left kerb and the display area is updated.

Cut Profile

To add a left cut condition:

  1. Select the Left Cut radio button.

The list on the right of the button shows that this cut condition is applicable from a depth of cut of 0m to 999m. In other words, it is applicable for all cut conditions.

  1. Create a new cut condition from 0 to 2.0m and specify a cut slope of 1:2. Do this, click Add Cond. at the top of the Road Template.

  1. The cut parameters display. Change the value so this condition is only applied over the 0 - 2m depth range by typing in a value of 2.0 in the Max Height box. Click OK.

  1. The template display updates and the height range for the Left Cut is updated to show the amended range from  0 - 2.0m.

  1. Select the 2.0 to 999.0 cut condition in the Left Cut box.

  1. Now click Edit Cond. at the top of the Template Editor.

  1. The Left Cut conditions are shown for the 2.0 - 999.0m height range.

  1. Change the Slope to 1.5 and click Enter .

  1. This then uses a cut slope of 1:1.5 if the depth of cut is more than 2m. If the depth of cut is less than 2m, the previous cut profile is applied.

Specify a Minimum Toe Point Distance with Variable Slope

To change the 0-2m cut profile to apply a variable slope so that the toe point is a constant distance from the road centre line:

  1. Specify the required offset, often the distance from the centre line to the road reserve, and change the offset type to Min. This tells the program to apply a variable slope between 0 and 1:2 so the toe point is at the required offset.