Automatic Optimise

Automatically optimise a cross-section area.



Shortcut Key






This function allows you to automatically balance cut and fill areas to a specified percentage.

It is necessary to have two complete layers, normally a ground (base) and a road (batter) layer. The batter layer is moved up or down until the cut and fill areas balance within a specified tolerance in percent. The floating batters can either be set by their slope, or by applying a template.

The revised profile is stored in the layer specified as the Batter Layer. This data can then be displayed in the Vertical alignment as a basis for a graphical vertical alignment design.

If you prefer, you can also do this on paper by plotting a long section from this layer.


  1. The Chainage Range displays.

  1. Fill in the relevant data and click OK to continue.

  2. The Optimization Details display.

If Template is selected, the specified template is used to build an entire road profile, just like the template testing facility in the Template Editor. No preliminary information is required.

If Batters is selected, there must be at least three points present in the floating layer so the batters can be applied to something. A preliminary pass through the Vertical alignment and Edge Levels is the recommended way of getting these three points.

  1. Fill in the relevant data and click OK to continue.

  2. If you selected the Batters option, he Batter Details display.

Fill in the relevant data and click OK.

  1. If you selected the Spreadsheet output option, the save window displays so you can select a file to write to. The drive and path automatically default to the last used drive and directory for this type of file.