Specify the details to add / edit a cut or fill condition. All edges added to this condition will be added after the last compulsory or from the road edge if no compulsory exists.




Min Height

Specify the details to add / edit a cut or fill condition. All edges added to this condition will be added after the last compulsory or from the road edge if no compulsory exists.

Max Height

Specify the maximum height for a Cut or Fill condition. The maximum height of the final entry must be set to 999.


Specify the batter slope 1 : X to be applied from the final point.


Specify a offset value, which can be used to force the toe point out to a minimum offset by flattening the batter slope, or to a maximum offset by steepening the batter slope.

Offset Type

Specify whether the offset is maximum or minimum type.

Offset from

Specify whether the offset is measured from the centre line or the road edge.