Home > Tutorials > Tutorial 7 - Terrace Design
This exercise will teach you all the basic functions you need to know in order to create a terrace model. You will learn how to:
Place a terrace on the ground model.
Calculate the terrace volumes.
Produce a drawing that shows the terrace including cut and fill bank lines.
Merge the terrace and the original ground model.
If you are continuing on from the previous tutorial, switch off the contour display before you start.
If you haven't done so yet, read the Before You Start section before proceeding.
If you get lost or stuck while you are doing this tutorial, do the following:
Press the [Esc] key to cancel all functions.
Select File ► Open to re-open the same project and click No when prompted to save changes.
Repeat the tutorial from the beginning, or from the last point where you saved the project.
If you have not come here directly after completing Tutorial 6 - DTM Basics, you will need to reload the project that you created and saved in that tutorial.
Select File ► Open and navigate to the directory in which you created the project. Select the file Tutor.cdp and click Open to retrieve the project.
You can define a terrace by graphically adding the corner points to the terrain database, typing in the coordinates, or importing an ASCII file which contains just the terrace corner coordinates.
In this instance you will define the position of the terrace by specifying the corner point coordinates in Surface 2, and connecting them with lines to indicate the terrace perimeter.
Input the corner points by selecting Editing ► Enter Point.
TE1 |
75913.5 |
21218.8 |
1562.0 |
TE2 |
75911.8 |
21218.1 |
1562.0 |
TE3 |
75905.5 |
21220.5 |
1562.0 |
TE4 |
75879.7 |
21237.4 |
1562.0 |
TE5 |
75812.9 |
21309.2 |
1562.0 |
TE6 |
75797.3 |
21335.6 |
1562.0 |
TE7 |
75782.4 |
21376.6 |
1562.0 |
TE8 |
75783.3 |
21378.3 |
1562.0 |
TE9 |
75835.6 |
21397.3 |
1562.0 |
TE10 |
75837.4 |
21396.5 |
1562.0 |
TE11 |
75852.7 |
21354.0 |
1562.0 |
TE12 |
75920.0 |
21281.7 |
1562.0 |
TE13 |
75934.0 |
21276.4 |
1562.0 |
TE14 |
75934.8 |
21274.6 |
1562.0 |
Click Close to exit the function.
The 14 points you have just entered are displayed.
Switch to Terrain mode and connect the corner points by means of feature lines. Select Model ► Add Feature Lines.
In this and the following screenshots, certain elements have been switched off in order to create clean displays. Your screen might not look exactly the same.
Select Terrain ► Terrace Banks ► Fixed Slope.
Specify the ground and terrace layers as shown above, and then click OK.
Snap on terrace point
Click on one of the terrace corners.
Click OK to proceed.
Accept the default settings and click OK to proceed.
The next step is to calculate terrace volumes.
Select Terrain ► Terrace Volume to activate the Bank Surface Details.
Snap on terrace point
Indicate the terrace by clicking on one of the corners.
Click OK to proceed.
Before generating another plot, you must first alter the plan details to activate the terrace display.
Select View ► Display Settings to show the Display Settings.
To generate the plot, select Plot ► Generate and proceed as specified in Tutorial 6 - DTM Basics. The only difference is that the sheet file you used earlier is still selected and you can proceed immediately to the Finish option.
Select Terrain ► Terrace Merge.
Specify the ground surface as Surface 1, the terrace surface as Surface 2, and the Merge surface as Surface 3.
Snap on terrace point
Click Yes to proceed.
Civil Designer now copies the ground points to the merge surface; deletes the points below the terrace; copies the terrace points into surface 3; and connects the perimeter of the terrace to the ground model.
Click OK to proceed.
If you have generated a new plot, close the drawing window and then save the project by selecting File ► Save
This project is used in all the following tutorials so it is important that you retain the current information for the next tutorial.
You have now completed Tutorial 7.
You can:
Experiment on your own.
Exit the program using File ► Exit.
Go on to one of the other tutorials (Tutorial 8 - Roads Design, Tutorial 9 - Sewer Design, Tutorial 10 - Storm Design or Tutorial 11 - Water Design.