Combine the selected entities into a group so they can be handled as one entity.
Icon |
Command |
Shortcut Key |
Toolbar |
Tools |
This function allows you to group the selected entities into a combined entity.
You can name the group. If you enter the name of an existing group when prompted for the group name, you can choose to add the selected entities to the existing group or create a new group with a new name.
You can return the group back to it's individual entities by using the Ungroup function.
If you need to paste multiple copies of the group in your drawing, it may be better to create a Block from the selected entities that can then be placed in your drawing as a Block Insert.
Select Tools ► Group Selection or click the icon in the Tools toolbar.
Type in the name for the grouped entities.
Press [Enter] or click Accept to create the group.
Press [Esc] to deselect the grouped entities.
You will notice that if you click on any entity in the group, the entire group is selected and the selection nodes for the individual entities in the group are not displayed.
If you enter a name of an existing group, you are prompted to add the selection to the existing group. Click Yes to add the selection to the existing group or No to create a new group with a different name.