General Toolkit

The General Toolkit contains inter-disciplinary, general purpose functions.







Divide an Angle

Equally divide an angle into multiple parts.

Divide a  Line

Equally divide a line into multiple parts.

Total Line Length

Total length of lines in a layer.

Draw Centrelines

Draw centrelines.

Hide Layer

Select object and hide layer.

Layer Info on Plot

Write date of plot and visible layers on plots.

Angle 2 Lines

Determine angle between two existing lines.

Auto Number

Place auto-incrementing numbers.

2D Measure

Measure distances in 2D.

Move Node

Move node of existing line or lightweight/3D polyline.

Fence Select

Select entities by crossing fence.

Geometry Colour

Alter the colour of all existing geometry.

Geometry Line Style

Alter the line style of all existing geometry.

Import Coordinates

Import survey coordinates from file.

Import Coord File

Import coordinates as points.

Import Excel Text

Import Excel data as text.