Divide a Line

Divide a line into equal segments.








This function allows you to divide or mark a line into equal segments, with or without a tick or a circle indicating the segments.


  1. You are prompted to:

Select line to be divided

  1. Click on the line to be divided.

  2. You are prompted to:

Select divide option

  1. The following options show in the popup menu. Choose the appropriate option.




Divide only

Divide the selected line into equal segments only.

Divide circle

Divide the selected line into equal segments marked with a circle.

Divide tick

Divide the selected line into equal segments marked with a tick.

Circle no divide

Mark the selected line with a circle into equal segments.

Tick no divide

Mark the selected line with a tick into equal segments.

  1. You are prompted to:

  1. Enter the number of divisions you would like. The line is divided according to the submenu option selected.

Divide Only

This option divides the line into equal segments without marking it.

Divide Circle

This option divides the line into equal segments and marks it with circles.

  1. You are prompted to:

  1. Enter the diameter of the indicator circles in drawing units.

Divide Tick

This option divides the line into equal segments and marks it with ticks.

  1. You are prompted to:

  1. Enter the length of the tick in drawing units.

Circle No Divide

This option marks the line with circles in equal segments without dividing it.

  1. You are prompted to:

  1. Enter the diameter of the indicator circles in drawing units.

Tick No Divide

This option marks the line with ticks in equal segments without dividing it.

  1. You are prompted to:

  1. Enter the length of the tick in drawing units.