SWMM Node Data Editor

Nodes are points of a conveyance system that connect conveyance links together. Nodes are also the points where external inflows can enter a drainage system, and where removal of pollutants through treatment can occur. There are four different node types.

Node Type




Junctions are drainage system nodes where links join together. Physically they can represent the confluence of natural surface channels, manholes in a sewer system, or pipe connection fittings. External inflows can enter the system at junctions. Excess water at a junction can become partially pressurised, while connecting conduits are surcharged and can either be lost from the system, or be allowed to pond atop the junction and subsequently drain back into the junction.


Outfalls are terminal nodes of the drainage system used to define final downstream boundaries under Dynamic Wave flow routing. For other types of flow routing they behave as a junction. Only a single link can be connected to an outfall node.

The boundary conditions at an outfall can be described by any one of the following stage relationships:

  • The critical or normal flow depth in the connecting conduit.

  • A fixed stage elevation.

  • A tidal stage described in a table of tide height versus hour of the day.

  • A user-defined time series of stage versus time.

Flow Dividers

Flow Dividers are drainage system nodes that divert inflows to a specific conduit in a prescribed manner. A flow divider can have no more than two conduit links on its discharge side. Flow dividers are only active under Kinematic Wave routing and are treated as simple junctions under Dynamic Wave routing.

There are four types of flow dividers, defined by the manner in which inflows are diverted:

  • Cutoff - Diverts all inflow above a defined cutoff value.

  • Overflow - Diverts all inflow above the flow capacity of the non-diverted conduit.

  • Tabular - Uses a table that expresses diverted flow as a function of total inflow.

  • Weir - Treats diverted flow as linearly proportional to the inflow above a defined cutoff value.

Storage Units

Storage Units are drainage system nodes that provide storage volume. Physically they could represent storage facilities as small as a catchbasin, or as large as a lake. The volumetric properties of a storage unit are described by a function or table of surface area versus height.


You can use the following options to navigate between nodes.




Arrow Buttons

Click on the arrow buttons to scroll between the node records. The two outer arrows scroll to the first and last record.

Delete/Recall Button

Mark the current record for deletion, or if it has already been deleted it removes the deletion flag. Deleted records are only removed from the database when you close the project and answer Yes to the question "Do you want to remove deleted records?". Once the database has been packed, it is impossible to recover the deleted records.

Record Number Button

Search for a specific record.

Show Button

Move the mouse cursor to the specific node for that record. The window automatically zooms into the area around that node.

Close Button

Close the window.

Junction Node




Inlet Node Name

The name or reference to this node in up to 25 alpha-numeric characters. Searches can be performed on these names.

Outlet Node Name

The name of the downstream node.

Cover Level

The level of the node (manhole) cover.


Option to lock the cover level to the specified level.


Height that the manhole cover must be above the extracted cover level.

Inlet Invert Level

Invert elevation of the junction.

Max Depth

Maximum depth at the junction i.e. the distance from the invert to the cover level. If zero, the distance from the invert to the top of the highest connecting link is used.

Initial Depth

Depth of water at the junction at the start of the simulation.

Surcharge Depth

Additional depth of water beyond the maximum depth that is allowed before the junction floods. This parameter can be used to simulate bolted manhole covers.

Ponded Area

Area occupied by ponded water atop the junction after flooding occurs (sq. meters or sq. feet). If the Allow Ponding analysis option is turned on, a non-zero value of this parameter allows ponded water to be stored and subsequently returned to the drainage system when capacity exists.

Node Type

Select a manhole type as defined in the Default Settings.

Node Angle

Enter the angle in degrees for the node angle or use the arrows to increase/decrease the angle. Positive values rotate the node in a counter-clockwise direction and negative values in a clockwise direction.


Select this checkbox to align the node at the same angle as the outgoing link.

Outfall Node




Outfall Properties

Edit the Outfall Properties.

Node Name

The name or reference to this node in up to 25 alpha-numeric characters. Searches can be performed on these names.

Outflow Link

Name of the downstream link.

Cover Level

The level of the node (manhole) cover.


Option to lock the cover level to the specified level.


Height that the manhole cover must be above the extracted cover level.

Node Type

Select a manhole type as defined in the Default Settings.

Node Angle

Enter the angle in degrees for the node angle or use the arrows to increase/decrease the angle. Positive values rotate the node in a counter-clockwise direction and negative values in a clockwise direction.


Select this checkbox to align the node at the same angle as the outgoing link.

Divider Node




Divider Properties

Edit the Divider Properties.

Node Name

The name or reference to this node in up to 25 alpha-numeric characters. Searches can be performed on these names.

Outflow Link

The name of the downstream link.

Cover Level

The level of the node (manhole) cover.


Option to lock the cover level to the specified level.


Height that the manhole cover must be above the extracted cover level.

Node Type

Select a manhole type as defined in the Default Settings.

Node Angle

Enter the angle in degrees for the node angle or use the arrows to increase/decrease the angle. Positive values rotate the node in a counter-clockwise direction and negative values in a clockwise direction.


Select this checkbox to align the node at the same angle as the outgoing link.

Storage Node




Node Type

Nodes are points of a conveyance system that connect conveyance links together. Nodes are also the points where external inflows can enter a drainage system, and where removal of pollutants through treatment can occur. There are four different node types:

  • Junctions

  • Outfalls

  • Flow Dividers

  • Storage Units

Storage Properties

Edit the Storage Properties.

Node Name

The name or reference to this node in up to 25 alpha-numeric characters. Searches can be performed on these names.

Outflow Link

The name of the downstream link.

Cover Level

The level of the node (manhole) cover.


Option to lock the cover level to the specified level.


Height that the manhole cover must be above the extracted cover level.

Node Type

Select a manhole type as defined in the Default Settings.

Node Angle

Enter the angle in degrees for the node angle or use the arrows to increase/decrease the angle. Positive values rotate the node in a counter-clockwise direction and negative values in a clockwise direction.


Select this checkbox to align the node at the same angle as the outgoing link.

Swmm Runoff





The subcatchment can be selected from a list. The runoff area is then calculated from the subcatchment polygon. The subcatchment option is not active if the area is locked. Click ... to edit the subcatchment properties in the Subcatchment Editor.


Displays No or Yes to indicate the existence of Inflows. Click ... to assign Direct, Dry Weather, or RDII Inflows to the junction .


Displays No or Yes to indicate that treatment functions have been assigned or not. Click ... to edit a set of treatment functions for pollutants entering the node.

Swmm Control




Node Y Coordinate

The Y coordinate of the node or manhole.

Node X Coordinate

The X coordinate of the node or manhole.

Swmm Results





Selected results are presented on this page for your information.

See Also Node Data