Edit the SWMM Options settings.
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These settings control how an SWMM simulation is made.
The Simulation Options display.
There are five tabs:
General - Set infiltration, routing, reporting and modelling options.
Dates - Determines the starting and ending dates/times of a simulation. If rainfall or climate data are read from external files, then the simulation dates must be set to coincide with the dates recorded in these files.
Time Steps - Specifies the length of the time steps used for runoff computation, routing computation and results reporting. Time steps are specified in days and hours:minutes:seconds except for flow routing which is entered as decimal seconds.
Dynamic Wave - Sets several parameters that control how the dynamic wave flow routing computations are made. These parameters have no effect for the other flow routing methods.
Files - Specify which interface files will be used or saved during the simulation. The list box lists the currently selected files.
After selecting the desired options, click OK to save your choices; or Cancel to abandon them.