Specify the slopes and optional minimum toe point distances.




Minimum bank lengths

Left Cut, Left Fill, Right Cut, Right Fill

Enter the minimum distance at which banks should end for the various conditions. Should the earthworks end before this distance has been reached, the batter slope will be adjusted to reach this offset. This offset can be relative to the centreline or the shoulders, as selected further on. An entry of 0 will ignore the minimum bank length check.

Batters to set

Left Cut, Left Fill, Right Cut, Right Fill

Enter the batter slope (as 1 in x) that the batter should be set to for the various conditions.

Set minimum bank lengths relative to

Select whether the minimum bank length should be checked relative to the offset from centre line, or from the shoulder.

Store adjusted batters in index

Select this checkbox to store the batters for the minimum bank lengths. If not selected, the entered batter slopes will be stored.

See Also Automatic Optimise, Set Batters