Generate Edge Levels

Generate edge levels from the edge control details.



Shortcut Key






This function generates mini sections in the form of edge levels for those chainages that are already in the road file, and that have vertical alignment elevations.

Because these sections are created from the vertical curve, it is necessary to use Generate Levels, or insert road levels into Layer 128 manually, before using this procedure.

The edge levels are created by applying the control data together with the selected template.

You must enter the start and end chainage for the calculation, as well as the layer in the road database in which the sections should be stored. A depth below the vertical alignment can also be specified so the entire section is generated at that depth below the design line. This means that earthwork conditions and layerworks can all be calculated from the same final design grade line.

The function generates the cross-sections for the road between the left and right outer carriageway edges.

For a single carriageway template the section created contains three points, one point on the road centerline (CL) and a point on either side of the center at each road edge. The offsets of the edges are specified by the carriageway widths in the spreadsheet.

For dual carriageway templates, four or more points are produced. These are the Shoulder Break Point (SBP) and Median Break Point (MBP) for both carriageways, and the median details that are inserted between the carriageways. The offsets of the edges are specified by the carriageway widths in the spreadsheet.

In the case of dual carriageways, no attempt is made to transition the road state between one template and another if they have differing widths. Use Expand/Shrink for this purpose. You can, however, vary widths within a single template by specifying the various changes in the Edge Control spreadsheet.


  1. The Range Details display.

  1. Fill in the relevant data and click OK to continue.

  2. The edge levels are calculated.