Print Setup

Select a printer and set the paper size, source, orientation and colour settings for print and preview.



Shortcut Key





This function allows you to select a printer before running certain functions that require access to a printer. The Print and Zoom Print functions also allow you to change the selected printer before printing, but the Print Preview function uses the currently selected printer.


  1. The Print Setup window displays. Here you can configure the settings as required.

  1. Select the required printer in the Name field.

  2. Set the colour settings for the Print or Print Preview by selecting All pens to Black or Use pen mapping.  Click Mapping... to display the Pen Mappings options where you can specify the mapping of pens. You can change the colour, width and line style that a specific pen must be printed in.

  1.  Click OK to initiate the settings, or Cancel to close the Print Setup options and discard any changes.