Zoom Print

Print a drawing, or part thereof, at a specified zoom scale.



Shortcut Key





This function allows you to print the current drawing, or a portion thereof, at a selected scale, on a selected paper size, or at a scale calculated to fit the drawing or portion of the drawing on the selected paper.

This function is not valid for layouts in a drawing.

Zoom Print has an advantage over the standard Print function in that you can graphically position the area you want printed. The Scale settings for Zoom Print correspond with the scale settings in Drawing Settings.

"mm on paper" means that a line with a lineweight of 1.0mm is drawn 1.0mm wide on the printer paper. Hatch patterns are similarly printed on paper according to the hatch pattern definition, which specifies line spacings/lengths in mm on paper.


  1. The Print Setup window displays.

  1. Choose the printer to use and the paper size on which you want to print. You can also map the pens or select to print to black.

  2. Click OK.

  3. You are asked:

Print to Fit

  1. Click Yes.

  2. You are prompted to:

  1. Enter the width of the required border, in millimetres, and then press [Enter] or click Enter to continue.

The specified width is added as a border around the actual drawing extents, before calculating the required scale.

  1. A preview of your print displays.

  1. If you are happy with the preview, click Print to send the drawing to the printer. If you are not happy, click Close to cancel the zoom print.

Print to Scale

  1. Click No.

  2. You are prompted to:

  1. The scale value defaults to the scale that was originally set for the drawing. You can change this to your desired scale and then press [Enter] or click Enter to continue.

Civil Designer now displays a rectangle on the drawing, which represents the selected paper size at the entered scale.

  1. You are prompted to:

  1. Use the mouse to move the rectangle so it covers the portion of the drawing you want printed

  1. Click once the rectangle is positioned correctly, and a preview of your print is displayed.

  1. You are asked:

  1. If you click Yes a final print preview is displayed.

  1. If you click No you can rotate the zoom window after the following prompt:

Drag the box until it is rotated to your satisfaction or type in a specific angle in the Control Bar.

  1. If you are happy with the preview, click Print to send the drawing to the printer. If you are not happy, click Close to cancel the zoom print.