Explode Once

Separate a compound entity into its component entities.



Shortcut Key





This function allows you to break a compound entity down to its component entities. You need to select the compound entity before applying the function.

The following entities are not compound entities, and therefore cannot be exploded:

The explode function is not recursive and will explode the compound entity to the next group of component entities, and not repeatedly until its down to it's base entities. Use the Repeatedly Explode function to explode a compound entity through multiple levels down to its base entities.


The shape below has been made into a block. It consists of line entities.

  1. Select the compound entities by clicking them, or use any of the entity selection methods from the Edit menu to select more than one entity.

  1. Select Tools ► Explode once or click the icon in the Tools toolbar.

  2. The block entity in this example is broken down to its component entities. If you try and select it you will select individual entities.

  1. If nothing has been selected, the following message displays.