Specify what data must be displayed on the vertical alignment and edge level windows.





These settings control the display of up to 100 lines extracted from the road layer data.


Select this option to turn on the display of the selected line.


This can be Cross (extracted from the cross sections) or DTM (extracted from a terrain surface).

Line Source

Select the layer/surface from which the additional long section data should be extracted.


Select this option and enter the point location code (PLC) of the points that form the longsection.


Enter the offset of the points that form the longsection. Only available if the PLC option is not checked. Offsets left of the centreline must be entered as a negative value. You can also use point descriptors.


Enter a height constant for the selected ground line e.g. enter -1.5 to display a line 1.5 m below the selected ground line.


Click to select the pen in which the selected line should be drawn.

User Defined Lines

These settings control the display of up to 50 user-defined lines or comments specified by road chainage and elevation.


Enter Yes or No to specify whether this line should be plotted. Right-click on the cell to toggle the current entry.

From Chainage

Enter the start chainage of this line.

From Elevation

Enter the start elevation of this line.

To Chainage

Enter the end chainage of this line.

To Elevation

Enter the end elevation of this line.


Enter the pen number of the colour in which this line should be displayed. Right-click the cell to display the colour selection dialog.

Additional display options

Show grade limits from design criteria

Select this option to display the grade envelopes from the Design Criteria. This option is only available if you are using Design Criteria.

Show sight distance envelope

Select this option to show the results of the Sight Distance Check on the alignment.

Show high/low points

Select this option to show high and low points on the alignment.

Show crossings

Select this option to display crossing services on the Vertical Alignment View. The Crossing Services Settings will be displayed when you switch this option on.

Crossing crossings pen

Select the pen to display crossing pipes.

Show intersection tie-in points

Select this option to display the intersection tie-in points where this road intersects with other roads.

Intersection tie-in points pen

Select the pen to display tie-in points

Display VPI numbers

Select this option to display the VPI numbers on the vertical alignment graph.

Display VPI details

Select this option to display the vertical curve details on the vertical alignment graph.

See Also Vertical