Automatic YX

List Y and X ordinates of points.





This function allows you to list the Y and X ordinates of all the points in the database. Discrete sets of points can also be listed using the name and surface filter.

You are asked to enter constants for the data to be listed. The constants you enter are not actually applied to the point coordinates, but are printed at the start of the listing. This gives you the option of listing constants if your point data has been entered with a constant subtraction applied.

The Output Manager allows you to set output options.


  1. The Listing Details displays.

  1. Fill in the relevant data and click OK.

  2. The Constants options display.

  1. Fill in the relevant data and click OK.

Note that the constants entered here are only displayed in the list heading, and in no way affect the point ordinates.

  1. The standard Name Filter options display.

See the Name Filter section for details on setting up a set of descriptors to process.

  1. Click OK.