Specify the vehicle type and track options.
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This function allows you to specify the parameters that must be used for the simulation, including vehicle type, simulation settings, simulation speed and swept path.
The Setup options display.
Click ... to display the file browser where you can specify the Vehicle Group File Name to be used.
When a vehicle group file is specified, an active vehicle can be selected from the Vehicle list.
Click Add to add a new vehicle to the current Vehicle Group file. A vehicle can also be deleted from the group file by clicking Delete.
Click Edit to display the Vehicle Dimensions.
Use the Tractor Starting Angle, Trailer1 Starting Angle and Trailer2 Starting Angle edit boxes to specify the Angle (in decimal degrees) at which the vehicle and trailers must start the simulation. These options only apply when forward vehicle movement is simulated.
Care must be taken when simulating an articulated vehicle movement in the reverse direction, especially if the kingpin location is in front of the rear axle, to not make the coordination interval too small, i.e. at least equal to the distance between the rear axle and king-pin. A good average Coordination interval is in the vicinity of 0.2m - 1.5 m.
Use the Simulation Type combo box to specify the type of simulation needed. This option can be set to:
Track Path
Nothing is drawn.
Draws the position of the wheels of the vehicle and trailers along its path.
Illustrates the amount of space the vehicle and trailers take up during the movement.
The Simulation Direction can be set to either Forward, or Reverse. This direction refers to the vehicle itself and not the direction in which the vehicle travels on the track path.
If the Draw Vehicles on Control Points option is selected, a vehicle diagram is drawn at the start and end of each curve and transition curve.
If the Enforce Steering Angle limits option is selected, the program stops the simulation and warns the user when the maximum steering angles are exceeded. If this option is not selected, the simulation continues regardless of the steering angles along the tracking path.
The drawing layer, line type and pen colour can be specified for each of the simulation types specified in the Simulation Type combo box, as well as the Vehicle diagram.
When the Apply Cargo Point Tracking checkbox is selected, the program tracks a point specified in the Cargo Point Tracking along the specified tracking path. This tracking line is drawn in the specified line type and pen colour.
Select Run Simulation to do point tracking in the forward, or reverse direction. Point tracking can be done on its own, or in conjunction with either the swept, or track path.