


Cargo Location (Tractor)

Select this option if the cargo is located on the Tractor.

Cargo Location (Trailer 1)

Select this option if the cargo is located on Trailer 1.

Cargo Location (Trailer 2)

Select this option if the cargo is located on Trailer 2.

Point Position (H-Coord)

Enter the Horizontal coordinate of the cargo point.

Point Position (V-Coord)

Enter the Vertical coordinate of the cargo point.


Current Horizontal Cursor coordinate. Zero position is in the centre of the front axle.


Current Vertical Cursor coordinate. Zero position is on the front axle.

A plan view of the active vehicle will be drawn on the display area.

You can alter the view in the display area by magnifying [M], de-magnifying [D], panning [P], refreshing [S] or redrawing [R].

The 0,0 coordinate is situated at the centre of the vehicle's front axle.

You can specify the location of the cargo using the radio buttons in the Cargo Location group. The active part location will be highlighted in a cyan pen.

The cargo point can be specified by graphically indicating the position on the display area, or entering the coordinates in the Point Position group. You can also snap to the nearest point on the drawing by pressing [J] key.

A red circle represents the cargo point that will be tracked when running the next simulation.