


Active Vehicle

Group File Name

Specify the Vehicle Library (*.vcl) file to use. Click to browse.


Select the active vehicle from the list.

Add Vehicle

Click to add a vehicle to the library.

Delete Vehicle

Click to remove a vehicle from the vehicle library.

Tractor Starting Angle

Enter the angle, in decimal degrees, at which the steering wheels must be before simulation. This option only applies when forward vehicle movement is simulated.

Trailer 1 Starting Angle

Enter the angle, in decimal degrees, at which tractor - trailer1 must be before simulation.  This option only applies when forward vehicle movement is simulated.

Trailer 2 Starting Angle

Enter the angle, in decimal degrees, at which tractor1 - trailer2 must be before simulation.  This option only applies when forward vehicle movement is simulated.

Simulation Settings

Coordination Interval

Enter the coordination interval.

Simulation Type

Specify whether the program must generate a track path or a swept path.

Simulation Direction

Specify whether the movement will be forward or reverse.

Draw Vehicle at control points

Select this checkbox to draw the vehicle at control points after simulation.

Enforce Steering Angle Limits

Select this checkbox to terminate the simulation if the maximum steer angles have been exceeded

Show Results dialog after simulation

Select this checkbox to display the Results after the simulation.

Envelope Drawing Settings

Vehicle Drawing (Layer Name)

Enter the Layer name for vehicle that may be drawn on control points.

Vehicle Drawing (Pen)

Select the Pen colour for the vehicle drawing.

Vehicle Drawing (Line Type)

Select the Line Type for the vehicle drawing.

Track Path(Layer Name)

Enter the Layer name in which the Track Path will be drawn.

Track Path (Tractor Pen)

Select a Pen colour for the Tractor's Track path.

Track Path (Tractor LT)

Select a line Type for the Tractor's Track path.

Track Path (Trailer 1 Pen)

Select a Pen colour for the Trailer1's Track path.

Track Path (Trailer 1 LT)

Select a line Type for the Trailer1's Track path.

Track Path (Trailer 2 Pen)

Select a Pen colour for the Trailer2's Track path.

Track Path (Trailer 2 LT)

Select a line Type for the Trailer2's Track path.

Swept Path (Layer Name)

Enter the Layer name in which the Swept Path will be drawn.

Swept Path (Pen)

Select a Pen colour for the Swept path.

Swept Path (LT)

Select a line Type for the Swept path.

Apply Cargo Point Tracking

Track the path of a point on the cargo on a vehicle during the simulation. Click to display the Cargo Point Tracking Designer.

Cargo Line Pen

Select a Pen colour for the Cargo point tracking line.

Cargo Line LT

Select a line Type for the Cargo point tracking line.

Simulation Speed

Use the sliding control to set the simulation speed.

Use simulation speed setting

Select this checkbox to use the simulation speed as opposed to the default crawl speed.