Variable Slopes

Create terrace banks with different slopes on each face.



Shortcut Key






This function allows you to generate bank points along each side of a terrace, using a different cut or fill slope for each edge of the terrace. It is useful where circumstances require one edge of a terrace to be a retaining wall or perhaps an access ramp.

The optimisation option also calculates terrace volumes by band, prism or contour. See Band vs Prism Volumes for details on the various options.


  1. The Bank Surface Details display.

  1. Fill in the relevant data and click OK.

  2. You are prompted to:

Snap on terrace point

  1. Click on one of the terrace points. Once the terrace has been located the Variable Slope Details display.

  1. Fill in the relevant data and click OK.

  2. The cut-and-fill slopes are entered for each edge of the terrace individually. The edge currently requiring cut or fill details will be highlighted in the defined Fill pen. See the Terrain Pens Option Settings for details.

  3. The Variable Slopes settings display for each edge of the terrace.

  1. Fill in the relevant data and click OK.

  2. The terrace banks are now calculated. Optimisation calculations are done and the following message displays.

  1. Click Yes to list the new elevations of the optimised terrace.