Terrace Banks

The design points defining the terrace must have been inserted into the database and connected with lines prior to using any of the options under Terrace Banks. The lines connecting the outer design points must form a complete perimeter around the terrace. There may be a complex network of design lines and points defining the surface within the perimeter.

When banks are created, points are generated along each side of the selected terrace on the shoulders and at the toes of banks. They are named according to the following convention:

Suffixes can also be added to the generated names. This combination gives excellent control on subsequent point deletion and plotting. For example, any one terrace can be deleted by name, or the bank lines can be drawn with one pen colour for cut slopes and another for fill slopes.

After banks have been generated, you can choose to display the bank lines on the screen by switching on the display in the Display Settings.

In projects that consist of a large number of terraces, it is advisable to try and reduce the number of individual platforms by connecting adjacent terraces with extra design lines between them. This intervening area can then be treated as earthwork shaping, and can be considered as part of a single larger terrace. The larger each perimeter is, the easier and less work there will be to balance the earthworks.