Fence Clip

Mass delete points within a specified fence (user defined polygon).



Shortcut Key






Fence Clip is similar to Polygon Clip, the difference being that once a fence has been defined, the same polygon can be used several times to clip points using different height ranges or different name filters.

Before this function can be used, at least one fence has to be defined using the Define Fence function.


  1. If no fences have been defined, the following error message displays.

  1. The Filter displays showing the available fences.

  1. Select the fence to use as a clip polygon, set any additional filters and click OK.

  2. The Batch Delete options display so you can change your selection, or confirm the polygon clip deletion.

  1. Click OK to proceed with the polygon clip.

  2. You are asked to confirm the deletion of the selected points.

  1. Click Yes to proceed.