Coord Conversion

Convert coordinated points from one unit of measure to another.



Shortcut Key






This function converts selected coordinated points from one unit of measure to another. The conversions available correspond to the units of length that are available in Unit Conversions.

The converted coordinate values are not stored in the database, but are stored in an ASCII file that must be named. This ASCII file can be subsequently imported to form a new database with the adjusted coordinates.

See also Geo Topo for complete GPS data file conversions, Goldfields for the Witwatersrand system conversions and LO to LO for panel to panel conversions.


  1. The Unit Conversions options display.

  1. Select the conversion type and click OK.

  2. The Coordinate Details options display.

  1. Fill in the relevant data and click OK.

  2. The standard Filter options display.

  1. Click the OK to continue.

  2. The standard save options display so you can select a file to write to, and then click Save. The drive and path automatically default to the last used drive and directory for this type of file.