Double Polar

Fix an unknown point when both oriented direction and distance are available from two known points.



Shortcut Key






This function allows you to fix an unknown point when both oriented direction and distance are available from two known points.

This is a fieldwork-type calculation and, therefore, unreduced slope distances can be used. Joins to outside stations during the calculation can be used to correct unoriented observations.

You can calculate orientation corrections for each of the setup stations.

After orientation for both setup stations has been completed, a proportionally meaned final coordinate is adopted for the calculated point, and the residuals are printed.


  1. The Double Polar options display.

  1. You can fill in the relevant data manually or load it from the Observations & Figures data.

  2. Click Process.

If you select the Preview result checkbox before clicking Process, you have the opportunity to inspect the results before accepting them.

  1. The results of the calculation display in the Output window.