Add Mini-Circle

Add a mini-circle or mini-roundabout.



Shortcut Key






This function allows you to add a mini-circle or mini-roundabout to the roads design. You can add either a three way or four way circle.

A mini-circle has the following properties:


  1. You are prompted to:

Indicate first Intersecting Road as close to the Roundabout position

  1. Click on the centre line of the intersecting road as shown below:

  1. The intersecting road is highlighted and you are prompted to:

Indicate Main Road for the Roundabout calculations

  1. Now click on the centre line of the main or through road as shown below:

  1. You are prompted to:

Indicate second Intersecting Road for the Roundabout (Esc for 3-way)

  1. You can now continue to define a four way circle by indicating the second intersecting or incoming road; or press [Esc] to define a three way traffic circle.

4 Way Circle

  1. The second incoming road is highlighted and the Mini-Roundabout Setup displays.

  1. Type in the parameters you require and select the Centre Island option.

  1. Click OK to add the circle to the design as shown below.

3 Way Circle

  1. The Mini-Roundabout Setup looks like this.   

  1. The final 3 way circle design displays as below:

The mini-roundabout can be changed at any time using the Edit Junction function. It can be deleted using the Delete Junction function.