Specify the file format of the imported cross-section file.




Fixed columns - Start and Stop

Enter the positions of the specific items within each import line. Positions start at 1 at the beginning of the line. The start and stop positions entered for any particular item must be such that all the relevant data for the item is covered.

ASCII delimiter - Field

Enter the position of each specific item within the import line. Positions start at 1 for the item before the first occurrence of the defined delimiter. Each delimiter encountered along the line increases the position count by 1.

File Type

Select either Fixed columns or ASCII delimiter to define the format of the file being imported. If you select ASCII delimiter, you must also enter the ASCII value of the delimiter between fields.

Use section counter

Select this option in order to have the count of lines following read from the first line of each cross-section in the file.

This option is not available when importing Cards format cross-sections.

Save current settings

Select this option to have the current settings saved as defaults for the next time this function is invoked.


See Also ASCII Cross Section, Cards Cross-Section