Polygon Area

Display the area and perimeter of a selected region.



Shortcut Key





This function allows you to calculate the area and perimeter of a selected region using the perimeter boundary options. The area and perimeter are displayed in the current drawing units.

See the Hatch function for a description of the perimeter tracking options.


To calculate the area and perimeter of a selected region:

  1. Select Tools ► Polygon Area.

  2. You are prompted to:

  1. Select one of the hatch boundary draw options from the toolbar, and indicate the region whose area and perimeter you want to calculate. The selected region is highlighted with a solid hatch in the present pen colour.

  1. You can continue to select regions if you want to use the same hatch boundary draw options. Alternatively, right-click on the drawing area and select one of the options from the popup context menu.

  1. If you select Add new Boundary you are prompted to:

  1. Select a new hatch boundary option and region new entities, whose area and perimeter you want calculated.

  1. The Accept and Cancel buttons become active. If you click Accept, the number of elements selected in the region and the area end perimeter  display in the Output Window.

  1. You are prompted to:

  1. Click Close in the top right corner of the Output Window to close it.

  1. Right-click on the drawing area and select Quit to end the function.