Trace Section

Graphically trace a section.







Survey Diagrams

This function allows you to graphically define a section from a drawing.

You can input section details and the area is calculated automatically.

The section data is inserted in the Section Manager.


  1. You are prompted to:

Indicate first corner of outside figure

  1. Indicate the first corner of the section you want to define and measure.

  2. You are prompted to:

Indicate next corner of outside figure (Re-indicate start to end)

  1. Continue to define the corner points that define the perimeter of this section, and then click on the first point again to end the trace routine.

  2. The Insert Section window displays.

  1. Input the relevant data and click OK to proceed.

  2. The data is inserted into the Section Manager and you are prompted to define another section:

Indicate first corner of outside figure

  1. Define additional sections. Alternatively, press [Spacebar] or [Esc] to quit.

  2. You can now view the traced data in the Section Manager.

It is advisable to click Save to keep a permanent record of the section data, as it is not saved with the drawing.