
Home > Section Manager Dialog





Select to display a summary of the section data or all of the section data.

  • 'Parts of sections' collapsed:

  • 'Parts of sections' expanded:


Section No

Specify section data.

Building No

Specify building number.

Unit No

Specify unit number.

Floor Area

Specify the area of this section.


Specify the PQ of this section.

Load button

Load section and PQ data from a CSV file. The data format should be:


-1 ,1,1A,46,10.1322

-1 ,1,1B,55,12.1145

-2 ,1,2A,46,10.1322

-2 ,1,2B,55,12.1145

-3 ,2,3A,67,14.7577

-3 ,2,3B,60,13.2159

-4 ,2,4A,65,14.3172

-4 ,2,4B,60,13.2159

Save button

Click to save the input section data to a CSV file in the format shown above.

Insert Button

Click to display the Insert Section options.

Delete All button

Click to delete all the table data.

Adjust PQ's button

Click to adjust the PQs to bring the Total PQ to 100.0. The following message displays.