Draw internal and external walls in plan view.
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This function allows you to draw walls in plan view. Both external (double skinned walls with a cavity) and internal (single skinned walls, no cavity) can be drawn.
Settings for this function are made on the Wall page.
The Wall settings window displays.
Select the type of wall you want to draw and click OK.
Drawing fresh lines where no track or perimeter lines exist.
Tracking an existing line or perimeter.
Select this drawing method if you want to want the reference line to be included in the wall lines.
Indicate starting position of wall (else spacebar to exit)
Click on the start of the wall.
Indicate next position of wall, when done, right click for options
Indicate the next corner in the wall. Use the arrow keys or the snap modes to work accurately.
Indicate next position of wall, when done, right click for options
If you don't stick to the drawing direction you have specified in the Wall Settings, the wall is drawn on the incorrect side.
If you are tracking an existing closed perimeter, you are prompted to:
Indicate internal position of wall (else spacebar to exit)
If you want to draw wall lines around an enclosed perimeter, click inside of the boundary as shown on the left. |
If you specified the Draw inwards option, the wall lines are drawn on the inside of the existing perimeter. |
If you specified the Draw outwards option, the wall lines are drawn on the outside of the existing perimeter.