Specify the parameters of various wall types.




Wall style

Add button

Click to add a new wall style.

Wall type list

Select the active (current) wall style from the list.

Delete button

Click to delete the highlighted wall style.

Wall style parameters

Specify the pen, line style, line width and visibility of the line representing the:

Ext Foundation line

...external foundation line of the wall in plan view.

Ext Wall line

...external line of the wall in plan view.

Cavity 1 line

...external face of the cavity (if any) of the wall in plan view.

Cavity 2 line

...internal face of the cavity (if any) of the wall in plan view.

Int Wall line

...internal line of the wall in plan view.

Int Foundation line

...internal foundation line of the wall in plan view.

Wall thickness

Specify the widths of the wall components in mm.

External foundation width

The distance from the outer face of the wall to the outer face of the foundation.

External wall width

The width of the outer skin of the wall.

Cavity width

The width of the cavity between the internal and external wall skins (if any). Specify 0 for a solid wall.

Internal wall width

The width of the inner skin of the wall.

Internal foundation width

The distance from the inner face of the wall to the inner face of the foundation.

Drawing method

Specify if you are drawing a new wall or tracing an existing line.

  • Draw fresh - Draw the wall position from scratch.

  • Track line or perimeter - Follow existing lines.


Specify whether you want the wall to be drawn on the outside or the inside of the defining line. Remember that the definition of inside/outside is also determined by the drawing direction.

  • Draw outwards - The wall lines drawn on the outside of the reference line or wall face (shown in black).

  • Draw inwards - The wall lines drawn on the inside of the reference line or wall face (shown in black).

Drawing direction

Specify the direction in which you are drawing the wall. This determines which side is defined as the inner face and the outer face.

  • Clockwise - The walls must be drawn in this direction if the clockwise drawing direction is selected using the Draw Fresh drawing method.

  • Anti-clockwise -  The walls must be drawn in this direction if the anti-clockwise drawing direction is selected using the Draw Fresh drawing method.

Wall type

An external wall is drawn without any interaction with existing walls, while an internal wall will try to tie in to existing walls.

  • Internal - You can specify the following parameters.

  • External - You can specify the following parameters.