The following summary tables are generated.
The Subcatchment Runoff Summary Table appears in a simulation's Status Report, and lists the following items for each subcatchment:
Total precipitation (mm or in).
Total run-on from other subcatchments (mm or in).
Total evaporation (mm or in).
Total infiltration (mm or in).
Total runoff (mm or in).
The Node Depth Summary Table appears in a simulation's Status Report, and lists the following items for each conveyance system node:
Average water depth (m or ft).
Maximum water depth (m or ft).
Maximum hydraulic head (HGL) elevation (m or ft).
The elapsed time until when the maximum water depth occurred.
Total volume of flooding expressed as either mm-hectare or as inches-acre.
The Storage Volume Summary appears in a simulation's Status Report, and lists the following items for each conveyance system storage facility:
Average volume of water in the facility (thousands of m3 or ft3).
Average volume of storage utilized as a percent of total capacity.
Maximum volume of water in the facility (thousands of m3 or ft3).
Maximum volume of storage utilized as a percent of total capacity.
The elapsed time until when the maximum water volume occurred.
The Conduit Flow Summary Table appears in a simulation's Status Report, and lists the following items for each conveyance system conduit:
The maximum flow (flow units).
The elapsed time until when the maximum flow occurred.
The maximum flow velocity (m/sec or ft/sec).
The ratio of the artificial length of the conduit used in the simulation to its original length.
The ratio of the maximum flow to the conduit's design flow i.e. full normal flow.
The Flow Classification Summary Table appears in a simulation's Status Report only when dynamic wave routing is used, and lists the following items for each conveyance system conduit:
The fraction of the time that the conduit was in each of the following flow categories:
Dry on both ends.
Dry on the upstream end.
Dry on the downstream end.
Subcritical flow.
Supercritical flow.
Critical flow at the upstream end.
Critical flow at the downstream end.
The average Froude number of the flow.