Time Pattern Editor

Create or edit Time Pattern objects.



Shortcut Key






Time Patterns allow external dry weather flow (DWF) to vary in a periodic fashion. They consist of a set of adjustment factors applied as multipliers to a baseline DWF flow rate or pollutant concentration. The different types of time patterns include:

Each time pattern must have a unique name, and there is no limit on the number of patterns that can be created. Each dry weather inflow, either flow or quality, can have up to four patterns associated with it, one for each type listed above.

In order to maintain an average dry weather flow or pollutant concentration at its specified value (as entered on the Inflows Editor), the multipliers for a pattern should average to 1.0.


The Time Pattern Editor displays. Here you can take various actions.




Time Pattern Name

Enter a time pattern name.

Time Pattern Selector

Select the time pattern to edit.


Click to add a new time pattern to the project.


Click to delete a time pattern from the project.


Select the type of time pattern being specified.


Add an optional comment or description of the time pattern.


  • Monthly - One multiplier for each month of the year.

  • Daily - One multiplier for each day of the week.

  • Hourly - One multiplier for each hour from 12 midnight to 11 PM.

  • Weekend - One multiplier for each hour from 12 midnight to 11 PM.

OK Button

Click to accept the current entries.

Cancel Button

Click to cancel the function.

See Also Inflows