The Time of Concentration is defined as the time for a storm of uniform area and temporal distribution to contribute to the runoff from the catchment. Provision is made for overland flow and/or flow along a watercourse. The following data can be entered.




Longest Length

The length of the catchment area in kilometres.

Average Slope

The slope of the catchment area expressed in vertical metres/horizontal metres.

Overland Flow (Kerby Equation)

Percentage of Drainage Path

The percentage of the drainage path that has no defined watercourse.

Roughness Coefficient

The roughness coefficient defines the surface roughness which determines the flow speed. The options are as follows.


Roughness Coefficient


Paved Area 0.02
Clean Soil 0.10
Sparse Grass 0.30
Moderate Grass 0.40
Thick Bush 0.80

Overland Flow Length

The calculated overland flow length in km.

Overland Flow Slope

The slope of the overland flow portion of the catchment area, expressed in vertical metres/horizontal metres.

Time of Concentration

The calculated ToC of the overland flow.

Defined Watercourse (US Soil Conservation Services Equation)

Percentage of Drainage Path

The percentage of the drainage path that has a defined watercourse.

Defined Watercourse Length

The calculated watercourse flow length in km.

Defined Watercourse Slope

The slope of the watercourse expressed in vertical metres/horizontal metres.

Time of Concentration

The calculated ToC of the watercourse.

Combined Time of Concentration

The calculated value is updated as you change the values and settings of the above items.

Click OK to accept and transfer the calculated value into the time of concentration control in the rational runoff page.

See Also Rational Runoff Data