Edit the kerb definition.




Current Kerb

Select a kerb from the list of kerbs in the loaded kerb group file (*.krb).

Kerb Offset

Enter the amount by which the kerb should be offset. This is used to define the position of the kerb face.

Display Area

Displays the kerb geometry. The pink line indicates the position of the kerb face. You can press [D] to de-magnify, [M] to magnify, and [W] to pan.

Add Kerb

Click to add a new kerb to the kerb group file. The Add Kerb dialog displays.

Delete kerb

Click to remove the selected kerb from the kerb group file.

Rename Kerb

Click to rename the selected kerb.

Formula Range Pen

Enter the pen to highlight the kerb sides used in a formula in the Quantities tab.

Kerb Group


Click to load a new kerb group file.


Clickto save changes to the current kerb group file.

Save As

Click to save the current kerb group file to a new file.


Click to start a blank file.


Close the Kerb Editor.


Specifies the cross-sectional geometry of a kerb by using two dimensional vectors.




Hor column

Specifies a horizontal movement, starting from the edge of the carriageway (PLC 100 or 101).

Vert column

Specifies a vertical movement, starting from the edge of the carriageway (PLC 100 or 101).

Stop column

Indicate where the compulsory portion of the template must start. When generating edge levels, a "cut-out" is created from row 1 up to this row.


Specifies quantities to be calculated when running Kerb Quantities. The program automatically multiplies the specified quantities by the length of kerb calculated at the kerb face.





Enter the type of quantity to be calculated.

If Type is set to Volume, the defined region represents an area. If Type is set to Area, the region represents a linear distance. If Type is Linear, it simply applies the formula to the linear distance.


Enter the range - closed polygon for volumes and open polygon for areas. You can also add, subtract, multiply or divide a constant value to the range. Right-click and select the Define Region option to indicate sides on the kerb profile.


Enter a description that is printed when running Kerb volumes.

See Also Kerb Editor