Displays a list of kerbs, compulsory edges/components, cut/fill edges/components, median edges/components and batter slopes for the current cross- section in the Cross-Section Editor. The number of pages may vary depending on the carriageway type (single or double).

Edges/components displayed in pale green cells indicates that the individual cross-section has been edited.





Displays a list of kerbs.

Click ... to display the Kerb Selector.

Left Cut/Fill

Displays the edges and/or components on the left edge of the road.

You can insert and delete edges/components or add new components using the Component Selector option.

Left Comp

Displays the edges/components in the Left Compulsory part of the cross-section.

You can insert and delete edges/components or add new components using the Component Selector option.

Left Med

Only available on dual carriageway roads. Displays the edges and/or components on the lower median of the road.

You can insert and delete edges/components or add new components using the Component Selector option.

Median Join

Only available on dual carriageway roads. Displays the Median Join Settings for the current cross-section of the selected road.

You can specify the Median Join Type for how the last left median point and last right median point will be joined:

  • Standard (Straight) - Join with a straight.

  • Slope (1:x) - Join by applying the left and right median slopes until they intersect each other. If no intersection is found, the slopes are extended to the centre line.

  • Slope+Extract - Join by applying the left and right median slopes until they intersect the ground. It extracts the ground points in between.

You can also specify the left and right median slopes to apply.

Right Med

Only available on dual carriageway roads. Displays the edges and/or components on the high median of the road.

You can insert and delete edges/components or add new components using the Component Selector option.

Right Comp

Displays the edges and/or components on the right edge of the road.

You can insert and delete edges/components or add new components using the Component Selector option.

Right Cut/Fill

Displays the edges and/or components on the left edge of the road.

You can insert and delete edges/components or add new components using the Component Selector option.


Displays the left and right cut/fill slopes.


Road Components

Displays a list of available components in the component library, which can be used by the selected road.

Click Load Components to load additional components.


Changing an Edge or Component in a Cross-Section

Edges and components may be changed on the Cut/Fill, Comp or Median pages. As the changes are made, the cross-section is updated in the Cross-Section Editor.

Select Edges and Components

You can select available edges and components by means of the list.

Insert a Component

To insert a component into the listed components, simply right-click on the component and select Insert from the popup menu.


A blank edge will be inserted into the list above the selected component. Now simply select the desired component from the available list, or type in an edge's horizontal and vertical offset as Edge (hor; vert).

Delete a Component

To delete a component from the listed components, simply right-click on the component and select Delete from the popup menu.

The selected edge or component will be removed from the component list.

Add a Component

To add a component, simply position the cursor below the component list, right-click and select Insert from the popup menu.

The list of components will be extended by one entry.

Add a Component from the Component Library

To add components from the component library to the lists, simply right-click and select the Component Selector option to display the Component Selector.

Select one or more components from the Component library to add to the current project.