


Junction element

Select the junction element for which data must be entered or updated. Four junction elements are listed:

Specify the junction control point to be displayed;

  • LC – A point on the main road at the left side.

  • RC – A point on the main road at the right side.

  • PI – Intersection point.

  • IP1 – A point on the intersecting road.

Extract All from Roads

Click to update the settings for the current element with the current entries.



Select this checkbox to fix the junction between the two roads to a specific chainage on the main road. If this option is not selected, the control point will automatically be placed as close as possible to the junction point.

Chainage on Intersecting Road

This is the chainage of the start of the bell mouth or taper on the active road. If the curve radius is quite small the S-curve might be quite steep, so you can specify a chainage value to extend the distance over which the S-curve is applied.

Not available for Junction point on main road.

Name, YCoord, X Coord, Z Coord, Width left, Width right, Grade left, Grade right

Displays the name and coordinates of the reference point of the junction element. The names are:

  • LC - Centre of curve of the left edge of the junction.
    RC - Centre of curve of the left edge of the junction.

  • PI - The point of intersection on the centre line of the main or through road.

  • IP1 - The coordinate on the centre line of the start of the junction curve/taper of the incoming (intersecting) road.

The width and crossfall fields are extracted from the selected road.

Apply S-Curve Grading for road edges over:

Entire Junction

This option applies the vertical S-curve from the control point, either the start of the lead in curve/taper or the fixed chainage,  to the lead out curve/taper thereby spreading the S-curve out over a greater length.

The resulting longsection along the curve is shown below.

Centre Curves only

This option applies the vertical S-curve only over the centre curve of the junction, and not the lead in/out tapers or curves.

The resulting long section along the curve is shown below.