Output Manager

Set up the Output window parameters.





This function allows you to set up the Output Window's printing and file export capabilities. If you select to send output to the screen and the Output Window is not visible, use Window ► Toggle Output Window to display the window.

The printed output that Civil Designer produces can be:

Any combination of the above is also possible. The selection option is available from all the functions and can be set or reset at any time. Therefore, it is simple to display the text for perusal and only switch it to the printer or a file when necessary.

There is also a special facility for switching on/off a warning that gives you the option to redirect your output just before any printout occurs.

When you switch output to a disc file and the specified file exists, you have the option to append the text to that which is already there, or starting again by overwriting the existing files.

A significant gain in processing speed can be achieved by turning off the screen output when it is not needed. The Output Window can be dragged and placed anywhere on the screen, or maximised if this is preferred. A rolling buffer of 1000 lines is maintained to store the screen output. A certain amount of the data that is put onto the screen and then scrolls out of sight, can be rolled back with the slide bar control.

When output is directed to a file, the file hold the simple ASCII text and can be edited or modified with any text editor. Windows Notepad and WordPad (in Text Document format) are both suitable for this purpose. When you want to generate a printout, which requires the frequent insertion of additional text or comments, it is convenient to have a copy of the text editor opened permanently alongside the Civil Designer application. This enables you to add the necessary text on the fly.

When Output is directed to a printer, make sure that the device is set up correctly. This can be done in the Printer window accessed from Start Settings ► Printers.



  1. The Output Manager displays.

  1. Make the required settings and press OK to continue.

If Printer output is now checked, and it was not previously checked, you will be asked to select the printer to which output should be directed and a new document will be started.

 If File output is now checked, and it was not previously checked, the specified file is opened and will overwrite an existing file of the same name if the Append to existing file option is not checked.

Header File

A company-wide header for calculations printouts can be specified by selecting a TXT file in the Output Manager. This can typically be used for verification information required for ISO certification.

  1. Specify a *.TXT file containing the header for printouts in the Header File field. The header will be printed just below the page header on the first page of the print. If this field is empty, no header will be printed, and the Output Manager creates a print as in previous versions of Civil Designer.

  1. If you want the Project title to appear in the heading, add the string “{PROJNAME}”  to the header text. For example, if the contents of the header file is:

Project: {PROJNAME}

Designed by: _________________________

Date:        _________________________

Checked by:  _________________________

Date:        _________________________


The project title can be specified in the Project Settings.

This results in the following header for all printouts.

Page 1

Knowledge Base cc 17/11/2010


Project: Chapmans Peak Alignment Nov 2010

Designed by: _________________________

Date:        _________________________

Checked by:  _________________________

Date:        _________________________


Horizontal Curve Data



  Start        0.000      9093.863   3296895.705



  Elements of curve No.   1 (PI1             )          Radius 100.000


                                                        In          Out

                                                        ==          ===

  Back straight    187 55 17       Transitions      25.415       25.415

  Front straight   253 26 08       Tangents         77.214       77.214

  Intersect angle   65 30 52       Trans. Shift      0.269        0.269

  Curve direction   RIGHT          Arc length             88.929


            Chainage          Y             X

            ========     =========     =========

  PI1                     9062.226   3296668.331

  CC1                     8971.805   3296746.046


  BTC1       152.351      9072.867   3296744.808

  BC1        177.766      9068.305   3296719.824

  EC1        266.695      9012.231   3296654.582

  ETC1       292.110      8988.217   3296646.318



  Elements of curve No.   2 (PI2             )          Radius 100.000


                                                        In          Out

                                                        ==          ===

  Back straight    253 26 08       Transitions      23.100       23.100

  Front straight   211 10 22       Tangents         50.281       50.281

  Intersect angle   42 15 46       Trans. Shift      0.222        0.222

  Curve direction   LEFT           Arc length             50.663


            Chainage          Y             X

            ========     =========     =========

  PI2                     8914.311   3296624.335

  CC2                     8980.012   3296539.316


  BTC2       318.935      8962.505   3296638.670

  BC2        342.035      8940.646   3296631.242

  EC2        392.698      8900.986   3296600.593

  ETC2       415.798      8888.285   3296581.315



  Elements of curve No.   3 (PI3             )          Radius 150.000


                                                        In          Out

                                                        ==          ===

  Back straight    211 10 22       Transitions      15.911       15.911

  Front straight   235 05 00       Tangents         39.731       39.731

  Intersect angle   23 54 38       Trans. Shift      0.070        0.070

  Curve direction   RIGHT          Arc length             46.687


            Chainage          Y             X

            ========     =========     =========

  PI3                     8831.251   3296487.040

  CC3                     8719.297   3296591.907


  BTC3       486.252      8851.816   3296521.034

  BC3        502.163      8843.342   3296507.570

  EC3        548.850      8811.554   3296473.634

  ETC3       564.761      8798.672   3296464.298



  Elements of curve No.   4 (PI4             )          Radius 90.000


                                                        In          Out

                                                        ==          ===

  Back straight    235 05 00       Transitions      21.797       21.797

  Front straight   315 15 09       Tangents         86.824       86.824

  Intersect angle   80 10 08       Trans. Shift      0.220        0.220

  Curve direction   RIGHT          Arc length            104.132


            Chainage          Y             X

            ========     =========     =========

  PI4                     8686.180   3296385.775

  CC4                     8696.802   3296503.215


  BTC4       615.125      8757.374   3296435.471

  BC4        636.922      8739.024   3296423.734

  EC4        741.054      8641.004   3296432.599

  ETC4       762.851      8625.058   3296447.438



  End        858.663      8557.608   3296515.485


See Also Spool Output