Elevate DP

Shift the drawing origin in the Drawing Plane direction.



Shortcut Key




Drawing Plane

This function allows you to set the drawing plane origin to a new position, either Absolute to the current origin or Relative to the current drawing plane origin, using the Elevate DP settings.


The diagram below shows the drawing plane origin set to the world origin position of (0;0;0).

To set the drawing plane origin to a new position, either Absolute to the current origin or Relative to the current drawing plane origin:

  1. Select View ► Drawing Plane ► Elevate DP or click the icon in the Drawing Plane toolbar. The Elevate DP window displays.

  1. Select the Elevate By option and type in the distance to move the drawing plane.

  1. In both instances, the drawing plane has been elevated 100 above the world origin as you are working from the same current drawing plane of 0.

  1. Now, you can change the elevation of the drawing plane by 40.

  1. The difference is shown below, where the Absolute elevation has moved 40 above the world origin; whilst the Relative elevation has moved 40 relative to the current DP origin position.