As-Built Data

Import As-Built data from a comma-delimited (CSV) file.



Shortcut Key






This function allows you to import both horizontal and vertical alignment data from a comma-delimited file. It can optionally assign pipe material, class, nominal, internal and outside diameters.

Note the following:


  1. The Import As-Built Data options display.

  1. Click Browse to select a suitable file using the file browser.

The CSV file must include the column names, preferably in row 1.

  1. Specify which row contains the column names and click Next to proceed. You are now able to assign data to the columns.

  1. Click on a column header to display a list of available fields.

  1. Select a suitable field.

  2. Assign fields to all the columns.

  1. Click Finish to proceed. The following message displays.

  1. Click OK to see the imported data on the drawing.