Description |
ERROR 301 |
files share same names. The input, report, and binary output files specified on the command line cannot have the same names. |
ERROR 303 |
cannot open input file. The input file either does not exist or cannot be opened e.g. it might be in use by another program. |
ERROR 305 |
cannot open report file. The report file cannot be opened e.g. it might reside in a directory to which the user does not have write privileges. |
ERROR 307 |
cannot open binary results file. The binary output file cannot be opened e.g. it might reside in a directory to which the user does not have write privileges. |
ERROR 309 |
error writing to binary results file. There was an error in trying to write results to the binary output file e.g. the disk might be full or the file size exceed the limit imposed by the operating system. |
ERROR 311 |
error reading from binary results file. The command line version of SWMM could not read results saved to the binary output file when writing results to the report file. |
ERROR 313 |
cannot open scratch rainfall interface file. SWMM could not open the temporary file it uses to collate data together from external rainfall files. |
ERROR 315 |
cannot open rainfall interface file xxx. SWMM could not open the specified rainfall interface file, possibly because it does not exist or because the user does not have write privileges to its directory. |
ERROR 317 |
cannot open rainfall data file xxx. An external rainfall data file could not be opened, most likely because it does not exist. |
ERROR 319 |
invalid format for rainfall interface file. SWMM was trying to read data from a designated rainfall interface file with the wrong format i.e. it may have been created for some other project or actually be some other type of file. |
ERROR 321 |
no data in rainfall interface file for gauge xxx. This message occurs when a project wants to use a previously saved rainfall interface file, but cannot find any data for one of its rain gauges in the interface file. |
ERROR 323 |
cannot open runoff interface file xxx. A runoff interface file could not be opened, possibly because it does not exist or because the user does not have write privileges to its directory. |
ERROR 325 |
incompatible data found in runoff interface file. SWMM was trying to read data from a designated runoff interface file with the wrong format i.e. it may have been created for some other project or actually be some other type of file. |
ERROR 327 |
attempting to read beyond end of runoff interface file. This error can occur when a previously saved runoff interface file is being used in a simulation with a longer duration than the one that created the interface file. |
ERROR 329 |
error in reading from runoff interface file. A format error was encountered while trying to read data from a previously saved runoff interface file. |
ERROR 330 |
hotstart interface files have same names. In cases where a run uses one hotstart interface file to start a simulation and another to save results at the end of the simulation, the two files cannot both have the same name. |
ERROR 331 |
cannot open hotstart interface file xxx. A hotstart interface file could not be opened, possibly because it does not exist or because the user does not have write privileges to its directory. |
ERROR 333 |
incompatible data found in hotstart interface file. SWMM was trying to read data from a designated hotstart interface file with the wrong format i.e. it may have been created for some other project or actually be some other type of file. |
ERROR 335 |
error in reading from hotstart interface file. A format error was encountered while trying to read data from a previously saved hotstart interface file. |
ERROR 336 |
no climate file specified for evaporation and/or wind speed. This error occurs when the user specifies that evaporation or wind speed data will be read from an external climate file, but no name is supplied for the file. |
ERROR 337 |
cannot open climate file xxx. An external climate data file could not be opened, most likely because it does not exist. |
ERROR 338 |
error in reading from climate file xxx. SWMM was trying to read data from an external climate file with the wrong format. |
ERROR 339 |
attempt to read beyond end of climate file xxx. The specified external climate does not include data for the period of time being simulated. |
ERROR 341 |
cannot open scratch RDII interface file. SWMM could not open the temporary file it uses to store RDII flow data. |
ERROR 343 |
cannot open RDII interface file xxx. An RDII interface file could not be opened, possibly because it does not exist or because the user does not have write privileges to its directory. |
ERROR 345 |
invalid format for RDII interface file. SWMM was trying to read data from a designated RDII interface file with the wrong format (i.e., it may have been created for some other project or actually be some other type of file). |
ERROR 351 |
cannot open routing interface file xxx. A routing interface file could not be opened, possibly because it does not exist or because the user does not have write privileges to its directory. |
ERROR 353 |
invalid format for routing interface file xxx. SWMM was trying to read data from a designated routing interface file with the wrong format i.e. it may have been created for some other project or actually be some other type of file. |
ERROR 355 |
mis-matched names in routing interface file xxx. The names of pollutants found in a designated routing interface file do not match the names used in the current project. |
ERROR 357 |
inflows and outflows interface files have same name. In cases where a run uses one routing interface file to provide inflows for a set of locations and another to save outflow results, the two files cannot both have the same name. |